VR Reviews

All reviews to do with VR games.

Pavlov Shack – Quest 3 Review
VR Reviews

Pavlov Shack – Quest 3 Review

Vankrupt Games have released their 2017 hit Pavlov VR but onto the Quest platform. Pavlov Shack brings the 5 v 5 gaming of yesteryear. With obvious nods to Counter Strike it gives you an experience that I haven't had on the VR yet. Don't Forget To Buy Stuff Are you looking to squad up and take on Pavlov Shack, then get in touch via our social media, or even drop into our Discord using the link at the bottom of the review. Gameplay With a multitude of modes in Pavlov Shack there is something for everyone. From the basic 5 v 5 attack/defend the bomb modes, through to an infection mode seeing you jump large heights to get the jump on enemies. On the run-up to the game launch from App Lab to the main Meta store, I was invited to spend a couple of evenings playing with the Dev team at Va...
Tennis On Court – PSVR2 Review
VR Reviews

Tennis On Court – PSVR2 Review

Tennis On Court is the first and currently only tennis game on the PSVR2 from developer Fishing Cactus and published by Decathlon. It is available on the PSVR2 and Meta Quest. Tennis On Ice It has been quite a while since I’ve played tennis in real life. Is Tennis On Court a good substitute or a way to get started playing? Gameplay There are quite a few menus in Tennis On Vourt upon booting up the game. You’ll start by creating your character. It’s a basic character customization system that isn’t too complex but you can make someone look unique. Single-player There are a few single-player options here ranging from tutorials and practice modes to long tournaments consisting of multiple difficulties and opponents. These take place on different court surfaces across the world that ...
Budget Cuts Ultimate – VR
VR Reviews

Budget Cuts Ultimate – VR

Become one with the corporate world with Neat Corporation's latest but greatest Budget Cuts Ultimate, a single-player action stealth VR game. This bundle was released on September 20th, 2023, and consists of the original Budget Cuts, Budget Cuts 2, and Budget Cuts Arcade as well as all the previous content patches which allow you to enhance your gameplay experience through a variety of settings. Players also receive a free update called Nightmare Mode. Budget Cuts Ultimate currently retails for £24.99 on Steam and is available on PlayStation and Oculus. For this review, the game was played using Steam on a Quest 2 headset. The Only Fun Type of Budget Cuts... Have you tried the previous Budget Cuts games? Do you think you will pick up Ultimate? If you want seamless gameplay between the fi...
Dungeons of Eternity – Meta Quest 2 Review
VR Reviews

Dungeons of Eternity – Meta Quest 2 Review

I checked out Dungeons of Eternity on Quest 2! Will this game be the new must-buy on Quest? Or will it be sent to the dungeons? Eternally Throwing Weapons Dungeons of Eternity was devolved by first time developer Othergate. Brought to meta-quest on the 5th of October 2023 releasing on quest 2 with future quest 3 enhancements incoming. Gameplay Dungeons of Eternity is a combat-focused dungeon crawler where your main goal is to explore dungeons, defeat enemies and save your planet. Weapons and Combat Melee combat feels pretty good with some great handling weapons most of which can double up for throwing weapons! Hitboxes are slightly iffy on the sword and dagger. I found sticking to axes and hammers to be much more efficient. Bows and crossbows both feel adequate enough. H...
ForeVR Suck It! – Meta Quest 2 Review
VR Reviews

ForeVR Suck It! – Meta Quest 2 Review

I checked out ForeVR’s latest installment, ForeVR Suck It! Some of ForeVR’s previous work brought Pool, Darts, and Bowling to the Virtual World but this time around, players get to …clean? Can You Suck It? Suck It is a brand new addition to their series, which was released on September 20th, 2023. It is currently in early access and available to play for free on Steam. Points to note, obviously you will need a compatible VR headset. Gameplay In Suck It, the goal is to be the rootinest tootinest space vacuum-er this galaxy has ever seen. It’s quite simple, suck up all the things! From ice cream and cookies to frisbees and shopping bags…maybe even some chickens too. However, this isn’t the only challenge. Along the way, you have to collect stars, but to do so you have to upgrade your cha...
Maskmaker – Meta Quest 2 Review
VR Reviews

Maskmaker – Meta Quest 2 Review

A couple of years ago InnerspaceVR released Maskmaker on Steam for the VR audience. Well, last December they made it available to the Oculus community. Do I have what it takes to carve and paint my own masks to complete this intriguing puzzle based adventure? Best raid the man drawer for the necessary tools for the task and I'll see you on the other side. Maskmaker - Stanley Ipkiss vs Rocky Dennis, seconds away, round 1. Gameplay Maskmaker sticks to the tried and tested formula for controls. I chose to mainly teleport as it's quicker, but I found myself using normal movement for the more close environments. Every time an object was highlighted I would pick it up and look all around it for clues. This is a puzzle game after all. There is a tutorial to make sure that I know how to do ever...
Requisition VR – PCVR Review
VR Reviews

Requisition VR – PCVR Review

Developed by Arcadia and published by Spheroom, we have a zombie horde VR title. Initially released in in 20th October 2022 Requisition VR is an action survival shooter that will keep you on your feet. The Horde Is Here Join me as I check out this early access to see what Requisition VR can offer in its early stages. Gameplay As mentioned previously Requisition VR is a FPS zombie horde title. With this comes the expected zombie experience. Some sort of natural disaster or phenomenon occurs (in this case fog) and before we know it the not dead’s and slowly but surely becoming dead’s. It is down to you and your fellow companions if you choose to coop to find the solution. All the while the god is still spreading and more people are turning. You are probably thinking, what can this off...
ForeVR Pool – Meta Quest 2 Review
VR Reviews

ForeVR Pool – Meta Quest 2 Review

There was nothing more that I liked in my youth than hustling drunken students out of their grant money in dark and smoky student unions. You can imagine my delight when ForeVR Pool landed on my doorstep to review. Thank you ForeVR for giving me a chance to relive my youth. Time to polish my stick and play with some balls. ForeVR Pool, is it forever, or is it balls? Gameplay Everyone knows how to play pool right? Get the stick and swing it at the table and see what happens? OK, it's not quite like that, but remember I used to hustle. The aim of the game is to sink your coloured balls and then the black 8 ball. You are only allowed to hit the white cue ball with the cue, or the game would be no challenge at all. ForeVR Pool starts the way all games should, with a simple tutorial t...
Ruins Magus – Meta Quest 2 Review
VR Reviews

Ruins Magus – Meta Quest 2 Review

CharacterBank inc bring us the world of Ruins Magus, a JRPG consisting of magic amongst the ruins. We have established that it is a clever title, but the question remains, is it a good game? Time to find the biggest hat I own and dive in. Ruins Magus - Magic or Ruins? Gameplay Ruins Magus starts like most games, an introduction to who you are, a setting of the scene and a gentle tutorial to get used to the controls. The movement system is stick driven, so no teleportation, it is slick and whilst I admit to sometimes submitting to nausea, I had no such experience. I always prefer to physically turn rather than use the rotate feature, but it is always good to have the choice. The premise of Ruins Magus is very simple, enter the ruins, kill the enemies and return with treasure or info...
World of Mechs Quest 2 Review
VR Reviews

World of Mechs Quest 2 Review

Ever wondered what it would be like to pilot a giant mech around differing battlefields? Well Studio 369 have brought those thoughts to life with World Of Mechs, built exclusively for the Meta Quest 2. Enter World Of Mechs At Your Peril If you enjoy this review, why not check out our many other VR articles here. Don't forget to come and find us on social media! Gameplay In essence World of Mechs is a squad based mech extravaganza. With 32 mechs spanning 8 classes, there is something for everyone. The bonus is that they all feel different when it comes to the mechanical boots on the ground. You have everything from your slow tank type mechs in the Brawlers to the ever nippy Scout class. Something about zipping around in a recon Scout and then coming face to...well mechanical crotch area...