Month: October 2018

Online Trophies – Should they be tied to a Platinum Achievement?
Features, Gaming

Online Trophies – Should they be tied to a Platinum Achievement?

With the upcoming release of Red Dead Redemption 2 in just a couple of weeks, more and more information is coming out about what we can expect and one of the things that jumped out at me this morning while I was flicking through the little bits of info (when I was supposed to be working) was the inclusion of Online only trophies. What’s the big deal? You might be asking. Tons of games have online trophies! And you are correct, they do. BUT, my question is: Should they be tied to the 100% Completion Platinum trophy? I’m sure this is partly my age creeping in, but I remember a time when you didn’t need all the extra bits and DLC and paid content to be able to complete a game fully. Hell it wasn’t really that long ago that online content didn’t really exist and 100% of the content y...
Construction Simulator 2 US PS4 Review – Building for the Future
Gaming, PlayStation Reviews

Construction Simulator 2 US PS4 Review – Building for the Future

Weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH bring us Construction Simulator 2 US, a building and tycoon game all rolled into one. The big question is, has it laid a solid foundation, or will in crumble under pressure. Hard hat and safety goggles at the ready, I'm going in. Gameplay Construction Simulator 2 US puts you in charge of a construction company. Learn to drive a truck and then heads out into the world and start a business. This is clearly the American dream in full force. A brief tutorial will guide you through the basics of driving and navigation, then you are on your own. Having said that, you get a lot of tutorials on vehicles as you purchase them. With each job completed you gain money and experience to level up, once levelled up you get skill points. These skill point...
Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War PS4 Review
Gaming, PlayStation Reviews

Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War PS4 Review

In our latest PSVR game review, I have dug into Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War (pun intended). It is the sequel to (no surprises) Unearthing Mars and is billed as a fast paced VR First Person Shooter. Having not played the first I was pleasantly surprised by a good looking intro that gave me a backstory and purpose and then a sleek tutorial to get me up to speed on how to play the game. With some strong PSVR titles released in the last month, like Astro Bot and Firewall Zero Hour, I was looking forward to getting back into my Virtual Reality for some sci-fi blasting! Released by Winking Skywalker Entertainment a year after the original, Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War features Aim Support, a good range of weapons and even time control elements (think Max Payne). Winking...
Deadstick Bush Flight Simulator First Play – EGX 2018

Deadstick Bush Flight Simulator First Play – EGX 2018

Getting to grips with Deadstick at EGX was a great joy! Deadstick Bush Flight Simulator to give it it's full title, developed by REMEX Software, headed up by private pilot Chris Cheetham, gives us a different take on the flight sim genre. Having spoke to him on the stand whilst being walked through the controls, you gain an insight into why he wanted to bring this game to life. He wanted to bring a sim that focused more on the low and slow flying, but at the same time appealing to anyone who picked up the controller or flight stick. At first Deadstick could be confused as just a standard flight sim, but scratch away at the surface and it turns into a deep game where you are tasked with growing your own flying company by delivering products in many and various forms. So sitting...
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Review – An Insurmountable Greek Tragedy?

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Review – An Insurmountable Greek Tragedy?

When Ubisoft first announced that they were bringing us an Assassin's Creed game set back in Ancient Greece I was super excited. Finally I was going to get the setting that I’d always wanted this series to explore. Was I concerned that it was coming hot off the heels of AC Origins? A little as I started to wonder how many new things they could include when developing the two games side by side. So does Assassin's Creed Odyssey live up to the expectation? Here are my thoughts: First thing I want to mention is that I splashed the cash and went for the Medusa edition which comes with a very nice statue and artwork book etc. (Yes I know, feel free to criticise but I did). I won’t go into too much detail about what’s in this edition as there are plenty of unboxing videos online and...
Fire Pro Wrestling World PS4 Review – Woooooooo
Gaming, PlayStation Reviews

Fire Pro Wrestling World PS4 Review – Woooooooo

Fire Pro Wrestling World from Spike Chunsoft has finally made its way over to the PS4. It’s very much a niche title and the good thing is that most people will know from the title and a screenshot if they will enjoy it. Fire Pro Wrestling World slots very nicely into the 2D Wrestling game genre and aims to fill that void in today’s market... The question is; will it Suplex its way into new gamer’s libraries or should it finally submit to the modern day 3D games? Gameplay Fire Pro Wrestling as a franchise has been around since way back in 1989 and definitely has its own fan base that would be salivating at getting a new game in 2018 on a current gen console. As a fan of retro gaming in general this franchise has always peaked my curiosity and since I was a huge fan of the 90’s WWF game...
8-Bit Armies Review – Welcome Back Commander
Gaming, PC Reviews

8-Bit Armies Review – Welcome Back Commander

8-Bit Armies developed by Petroglyph and published by Soedesco is a fast paced real-time strategy game that has a strong similarity to the Command & Conquer franchise and is depicted in a voxel manner, i.e the graphics are made up of blocky pixels. I have been yearning for a game to come along for console that is along the lines of Dune, C&C, StarCraft etc.  Is 8-Bit Armies to be that salvation? Gameplay From the off you are greeted by a curiously similar voice from Commander & Conquer times "Welcome Back Commander".  Already I am getting excited in anticipation as to what will come next.  The options you have are to start a campaign, skirmish or online multiplayer session.  Campaign mode it is! Selecting between the two available factions; Renegades and Guardians, ...
Tyler: Model 005 Review – Reboot, Retry, Respawn
Gaming, PC Reviews

Tyler: Model 005 Review – Reboot, Retry, Respawn

Reversed Interactive bring us the slightly oddly titled Tyler: Model 005, the story of a robot. Not sure if I need to read up on robotics, but rest assured that's not going to happen. Time to put my I into this AI and go on an adventure. Gameplay Set in the 1950s, Tyler: Model 005 suddenly gets booted up after a rather long period of down time. It's my job to guide Tyler though the house to see if I can help him remember who he is. The camera is set to third person so that interacting with my surrounding is easier. Tyler is solar powered and needs light to recharge, any source will do. Fortunately several lamps have been left around the house to help me survive longer. Keep the energy up and everything will be alright. I also have a level of H2SO4, or sulphuric acid to use it's more ...
Catastronauts Review – Space Madness!
Gaming, PC Reviews, Switch Reviews

Catastronauts Review – Space Madness!

Taking on space with the Catastronauts by Intertia Game Studios is great fun, a couch co-op experience that seems familiar but give you a great variation on the formula. Come with us as we embark on a space adventure unlike any you have experienced. Gameplay In traditional couch co op style, Catastronauts lets you and three friends take control of your own ship. After picking your character you are greeted with a basic tutorial which effectively is a screen that shows you the buttons. Simplistic is the best way to describe the controls. Pick up, Activate and run faster is pretty much all that you will be using. Once Catastronauts has taken you through the controls its straight into battle against an enemy ship.  So each round has a different challenge, you have to fire your weapon...