Cuisineer is an Action, Adventure, RPG developed by perfectly named BattleBrew Production and published by Marvelous Europe and XSEED. Having released on PC back in November 2023, (remember our review) it’s the turn of the consoles now! So how does this rogue-lite dungeon crawler fair on console? Let’s find out.
This Game Makes Me Hungry
This is a game that floats itself into many different genres and seemingly manages to do it incredibly. Read on to find out the good points and why you should be taking Pom deeper into the dungeons.
The story of Cuisineer is one of loss and gain. Pom returns home after receiving a letter from her parents. Turns out her parents have gone, but don’t worry, they’ve only gone on holiday. Albeit it’s around the world, but still, they aren’t gone gone. You are however forced into taking over the family business thanks to a hefty tax bill. The Potato Palace is your home now. Or again when you think about it. Now you are tasked with cooking for the locals, as well as gathering your own ingredients. Oh, and also you have to complete tasks for people around town. Which thankfully gain you new recipes in the process.

So off you go out into the wilderness to gather your ingredients. Armed with a trusty spatula and plates to start, Pom takes on enemies of all kinds. From little chickens that give you eggs and meat. To chilli animal hybrids that give you spices. There are so many creatures it would take forever to list.
A helpful little hint, which the game also points out, is that there is a calendar in the town which will highlight special days. Whether that’s someone’s birthday or a special event. Each day will also make a specific food type more popular. So make sure you stock up on those ingredients to maximise your profits. Especially when the Tax Man comes to town! Too real.
Graphics & Audio
Graphically Cuisineer is gorgeous. I love the art style, whether it’s the characters or the environments it is all beautiful. Even the illustrations of the recipes are done with finesse so that you can see each ingredient at its finest.
The creature’s models are great, seeing this long crowd of flour puffs coming towards you is always interesting. Even the boss battles are enjoyable to see.

The audio in Cuisineer is great. The sounds of your spatula, and the whirling fish attack were enjoyable and every bit as satisfying as you want. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the soundtrack. The music is catchy and you will find yourself humming along. Trust me.
Wow, what a section to talk about. Well, Cuisineer is indeed a time sink. In the best way. Not only will you spend ample amounts of time running your restaurant, you will also spend an unimaginable amount of time gathering your materials and ingredients. All this goes towards upgrading your restaurant and tools. Not to mention the time you’ll spend on errands for your village friends. The main story supposedly takes around 22 hours to complete. Of course if you’re a completionist you’re looking at more than double that time. Like I said, this is a great time sink game.
Final Thoughts
If you saw Cuisineer release on PC and thought it would do great on the consoles, then you’d be right. Not only does every aspect of the game feel incredible to play, it looks and sounds it to boot. Taking Pom on an adventure in dungeoning, cooking and paying your taxes is one that I will continue to go back to time and time again.
With ease, Cuisineer receives the Thumb Culture Platinum Award. Again.
Disclaimer: A code was received to write this review.
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