Xbox Reviews

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Knock-Knock Review – Who’s There? Insomniac Hallucinations
Xbox Reviews

Knock-Knock Review – Who’s There? Insomniac Hallucinations

When you become a lodger of a new property, you probably expect to just sit and relax, kick up your feet with a beverage of fresh tea, and run your fingers over the fabric of your armchair as you listen to the gentle crackling of the firewood in your fireplace. Sadly that isn’t possible in Knock-Knock. Originally launched on PC back in 2013, and then later ported to IOS devices in 2014, the creepy, side-scrolling thriller by Ice-Pick Lodge LLC is now available on Xbox One thanks to publisher, Sometimes You. The story finds you, a new lodger for this cabin, a cabin famed for being used as a laboratory in the past by three generations of previous lodgers, a cabin situated deep in the woods. You move in, but begin to notice weird happenings occurring, such as items going missing, strange s...
Air Guitar Warrior Kinect Review – Thrash Metal or Soft Rock?
Xbox Reviews

Air Guitar Warrior Kinect Review – Thrash Metal or Soft Rock?

Ever thought of yourself as the next Jimi Hendrix or Slash? Always wanted a guitar that shot bullets at floating skulls? Ever wanted to ride dinosaurs, sharks with lasers, tigers and jet-powered crocodiles? Then, your dreams have come true in Air Guitar Warrior! Here you can be the Rock God/Demon Killer you have always wanted to be! Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect from the Virtual Air Guitar Company, the folks responsible for bringing the classic Boom Ball series and many other Kinect related titles to the console, and are quite clearly a super fun company! I can only imagine the amount of enjoyment they had making this game and having to call their partners of an evening saying “Oh no, I’m going to have to work late tonight honey. I’m so sorry!” just to spend that few hours more into...