Welcome to HypnoSpace, remember the 90’s internet? When a virus meant annoying popups or premium rate dialers, the only social network you had was MySpace and most of the webpages you visited were on Geocities. Hypnospace is that late 90’s early 00’s internet, except now it’s beamed directly into your minds whilst you sleep, via a headband. Is it a dream remembered or a noughties nightmare?
Hypnospace Outlaw put’s you in the role of an enforcer. Employed by Hypnospace with the role of cleaning up and enforcing the laws or C.H.I.M.E. which stand ‘s for Content infringement, Harassment, Illegal or profane, Malicious software and Extralegal commerce, these laws serve to protect the users of Hypnospace. It’s a role you volunteer for, although, you are paid in Hypnocoin (a curr...