Tag: Strategy Games

Conan Unconquered Review – Conquered
PC Reviews

Conan Unconquered Review – Conquered

Founded in 2003 with veteran developers from Westwood Studios; Petroglyph brings us a real-time strategy game which is extremely reminiscent of the major RTS titles we all know and love from the ’90s. Conan Unconquered was published by Funcom and developed by Petroglyph, it was released at the end of May 2019 and is available via Steam on the PC. Due to the previous RTS games that some of the team at Petroglyph were majorly involved in (such as Command and Conquer/Age of Empires), it's safe to say I had fairly high expectations of the title. Gameplay As previously mentioned Conan Unconquered is a Real-Time-Strategy game, with 3 gameplay modes available it allows you to play the game how it suits you best. For single player, you have the ability to play scenario mode which is the m...
Mutant Year Zero: Seed Of Evil PS4 Review – Plants Vs Mutants
Gaming, PlayStation Reviews

Mutant Year Zero: Seed Of Evil PS4 Review – Plants Vs Mutants

Seed of Evil is the eagerly awaited expansion to the award-winning tactical adventure game Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden published by FunCom.  The DLC, available on PC, Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Switch carries on where the original game ends and offers hours of more gameplay, new locations to visit, and a new leading character; Big Khan the Moose. Gameplay If you love X-Com inspired games but have never heard or played Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden then firstly let's just say get hold of it, you won't be disappointed! In summary, the story-driven tactical adventure is a mixture of real-time stealth as you explore and scavenge for scrap materials in a post-human world that has been beautifully reclaimed by nature and then during combat it becomes a turn-based strategy game a...
They Are Billions PS4 Review – Zombie Filled RTS
Gaming, PlayStation Reviews

They Are Billions PS4 Review – Zombie Filled RTS

Craving for a game like Command and Conquer? Not sick of the zombie sub-genre? Well, if that’s the case, this game could be for you! They Are Billions is a survival RTS, developed by Numantian Games, and was released in June 2019 on PC and ported to PS4 and Xbox One in July, however this game was released as Early Access way back in December of 2017.  Gameplay If you have fond memories of the good ol’ days playing C&C Red Alert or Total War and want to revisit the genre with rose-tinted glasses, then stop right there as this isn’t the game for you. It will take those glasses, destroy them and then slowly insert them into your rectum. This is not a game that eases you into the gameplay loop, you are quickly thrown into an environment where you need to protect your command centr...
Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis – Smothered With Grease
Switch Reviews

Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis – Smothered With Grease

Do you ever find yourself wishing there was another game out there which was in the mould of Broken Sword? And do also you wish it was not quite as good as Broken Sword? If the answer to these two questions is “Yes” then Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis could be for you. Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis was developed by Fusionsphere Systems and Animation Arts and was originally released in 2009 on various platforms to variable reactions. With the Switch selling like hot-cakes, every developer and their mother is looking to port their back catalogue over, and so, much like it's prequel Secret Files Tunguska, Secret Files 2 is back, sporting a few improvements but otherwise looking pretty similar to its late naughties progenitor. The plot of the game concerns the fairly nasty Puritas Co...
Forged of Blood PC Review – Forge Your Party and Retake Your Kingdom
Gaming, PC Reviews

Forged of Blood PC Review – Forge Your Party and Retake Your Kingdom

Forged of Blood is the first game from developers Critical Forge. Forged of Blood is currently only being developed for PC, and it has received the Most Promising Game Award from Game Prime Asia in 2018 and from Pop Con Asia in 2017. Critical Forge is a small independent development team of 8 people, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It's great to see a small independent team making the game they want to make without having the hand of a larger company telling them what to do. Let's jump in and find out if Forged of Blood is worth your time! Gameplay Forged of Blood is a tactical turn-based role-playing game set in a fantasy environment. In the story, the player takes on the role of Prince Tavias Caenican. The story begins with your father, King Aurelian Caenican being killed as the castle ...
Steel Division II PC Review – World War II Rolls Heavy Into Town
Gaming, PC Reviews

Steel Division II PC Review – World War II Rolls Heavy Into Town

Steel Division II is the highly anticipated sequel to Steel Division: Normandy '44. A few months ago, I had the pleasure of trying out the Steel Division II beta test and let me tell you; I didn't think they were going to be able to improve the game. To my surprise, they sure did. If you haven't read my previous write-up Steel Division II by Eugen Systems is a real-time strategy game, set on the eastern front during World War II. It was released on June 20th, 2019 on Steam. Without further delay, let's jump in and check out the new additions since the beta preview. Gameplay One of the most significant additions to Steel Division II from its predecessor is the Army General mode. Featuring four separate campaigns from Operation Bagration, your goal is to advance and capture each majo...
Tropico 6 – PC Review
PC Reviews

Tropico 6 – PC Review

I love myself a good construction builder game. Games such as Sim City, Cities Skylines and Rollercoaster Tycoon. When I was first introduced to the first Tropico back in 2004 while I worked at GAME, there was something that appealed to me that I could build a tropical paradise in the sun while being a Dictator. I mean, who doesn't want to have a crack of being a dictator right? Being The Best Dictator In The World! Many moons have passed since I first played it and now Tropico 6 is out. Developed by Limbic Entertainment and published by Kalypso Media, Tropico has come very far since the early days of the franchise. Lets jet off to my tropical Island, Assume the role of El Presidente and let's see If I can create a truly great country... Gameplay With a game like these, I lik...
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics Nintendo Switch Review – Lovecraftian Horror On A Tactical Scale
Gaming, PC Reviews, Switch Reviews

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics Nintendo Switch Review – Lovecraftian Horror On A Tactical Scale

When given the opportunity to review Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics I wasn't sure what to think of the alternate reality World War II set Xcom clone. Developed by Auroch Digital and published by Ripstone Ltd. Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is a tactical squad command game based on the RPG spinoff to Call of Cthulhu; Achtung! Cthulhu by British board game company Modiphius Entertainment. Kickstarted in February 2018, the game smashed it's goal and achieved most of its stretch goals. Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is available on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. I got to play it on the Nintendo Switch for this review, so let's jump in! Gameplay Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is an isometric squad-based strategy game in the same vein as Xcom. Set during the second world war, Nazis ...
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Review – Live Your Best Pirate Life.
Gaming, PC Reviews

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Review – Live Your Best Pirate Life.

Drink up me hearties! Yo ho ho! We're about to review Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire! Crowdfunded in less than 24 hours, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire has been developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Versus Evil. The game allows you to live the life of a pirate captain given the task of chasing down an awoken god on a path of destruction and putting a stop to his plans. Currently, it's only available on PC, however, it will be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch in 2019. Gameplay Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is a Role-playing game in the style of old-school Forgotten Coast PC RPGs like Baldurs Gate or Icewind Dale. You get to play a "Watcher" who has the ability to peer into the souls of others and read their memories, which can be pret...
8-Bit Armies Review – Welcome Back Commander
Gaming, PC Reviews

8-Bit Armies Review – Welcome Back Commander

8-Bit Armies developed by Petroglyph and published by Soedesco is a fast paced real-time strategy game that has a strong similarity to the Command & Conquer franchise and is depicted in a voxel manner, i.e the graphics are made up of blocky pixels. I have been yearning for a game to come along for console that is along the lines of Dune, C&C, StarCraft etc.  Is 8-Bit Armies to be that salvation? Gameplay From the off you are greeted by a curiously similar voice from Commander & Conquer times "Welcome Back Commander".  Already I am getting excited in anticipation as to what will come next.  The options you have are to start a campaign, skirmish or online multiplayer session.  Campaign mode it is! Selecting between the two available factions; Renegades and Guardians, ...