Squirrel with a Gun – PC Review

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I’ve been in nuttier situations before but this takes everything and the tree knot hole it came from.

Squirrel with a Gun is an action-adventure simulation game from Dee Dee Creations. With publishing being handled by Maximum Entertainment. I can’t remember when I first saw the trailer for this game, but when I did I immediately knew it was one I had to play. The pure chaos, the squirrely madness people can get themselves into and the guns! OH GOD THE GUNS!

Grab your nuts

A squirrel with a colorful mohawk fires a large gun; title "SQUIRREL WITH A GUN" looms, agents in the background.
The fact that my current outfit shows up on the start is amazing.


Squirrel with a Gun starts us out with our squirrel (I named them John Squicks) finding a golden nut in a lab. I don’t how John Squicks got themselves into the lab in the first place, but they got in. After learning how to traverse the lab and getting to the golden nut, government agents burst into the room and start shooting! I get a gun and take down both agents and process to learn more of the mechanics. This game has a lot of clever objectives. It also has me squirreling away some nuts to unlock different things around the map.

We start off with a small map. However this easily gets bigger with every bundle of golden nuts we save for winter. You can earn those golden nuts by doing objectives certain places, or doing hidden objectives. There are even outfits and furs to collect along the way. Just make sure you have enough nuts for them!

Colorful in-game screenshot of two characters by large twisted slides and a tree.
Listen, I needed some nuts and I know they have it!

Graphics & Audio

To some people Squirrel with a Gun may look as though its been thrown together using various 3d assets from different places. But, to me it’s a piece of art. Put together by a dev team that had an idea that blows the likes of Goat Simulator out the water.  The fact that the graphics, guns and the John Squicks themselves doesn’t cause any frame rates to drop on either PC or Steam Deck is something to be proud of. The details on the guns, the special kill animations and the effects show how much love and effort was put into this game. Even the outfits you unlock have a nice look and even surprising perks on some of them. I have had so much fun when reviewing Squirrel with a Gun. I’ve caused almost Loki levels of mayhem to these ctrl+c ctrl+v looking agents. And loved every minute.

Every game developer has their own unique way of creating their own sound effects, but Dee Dee Creations we need to talk. I’m fine with how the guns sound. Even with how the people sound. But the squirrel noises have me questioning life. Especially when climbing a tall cactus. I still hear the small screams in my head…even the inhale of air before they kept screaming again. It’s honestly both good and slightly disturbing in a funny way. My only real audio gripe was in regards to the soundtrack within the starting area. This did become quite dull and repetitive.


A squirrel in a detective outfit walking around a lab with dead bodies around.
Seems a crime has been committed here. I’m on the case!


For people just trying to get through the game, it’ll take about seven to eight hours at most to complete. While trying to 100% the game will take about nine hours. The game does offer you to play in different ways thanks to the outfits and head pieces you’ll get throughout the playthrough. My top tip would be to use a grenade launcher and a SMG towards civilians to get more nuts from them.

A woman appears from the pool and kicks the squirrel
Where did she come from and was kicking me necessary?!

Final Thoughts

Squirrel with a Gun is a great stress reliver and a great means to turn off your brain. I had a few of my friends wonder what the game was about. When I told them it’s exactly what it says it is, they seemed almost confused. Then upon seeing the steam page they realised it all made sense. This game just proves there is no such thing as being too silly.

Also, I feel like I haven’t used the word “nuts” in this review….I should have said it more…NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS NUTS! There, now all my nuts are on the floor for the squirrels to take and not point a gun at me.

I give Squirrel with a Gun the Thumb Culture Platinum Award


Disclaimer: A code was received in order to write this review.

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