The SEGA Sonic Team have released the second episode of the new SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS prologue animations. The prologue animations have been made to accompany the new SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS game releasing later this month. Missed the first episode? You can watch it here.
Finding the Way
The second episode of the three part prologue animations centres around Shadow’s search for answers. Bringing him into the crossfire with his allies and Dr. Eggman. Is Shadow’s unrelenting quest for answers worth the cost? And what will it cost Shadow to get the support he needs?
Please be aware this video contains strobe lighting effects.
The remaining prologue episode will air on October 10th and is titled “To the Ark”
On October 25, SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS will release digitally and physically. Pricing will be around £44.99 and the game will be available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox Series/One. Fans can pre-order today and receive a legacy skin for Modern Sonic based on his look from Sonic Adventure! Those who purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition can play the game three days early and receive additional content. Physical media fans don’t fret. As players who pre-order the Physical Day One Edition will also receive Gerald Robotnik’s 28-page journal, chronicling his experience creating Shadow and the Ark Space Station.
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