Day: 7 June 2019

Bubsy Paws on Fire PS4 Review: A Furry-ous Platform… Er?
Gaming, PlayStation Reviews

Bubsy Paws on Fire PS4 Review: A Furry-ous Platform… Er?

Bubsy the platforming Bob-Cat returns to us in this latest addition to the series from Accolade, this time courtesy of developers Choice Provisions the creators of games like Runner 3. As a child, I’m going to be honest, I was more into Sonic, but I do remember playing the older Bubsy games. So, when I was given the chance to do this review I thought great, some old school style gaming for a change with a bit of nostalgia sprinkled on for me. Let’s just say I didn’t get what I was expecting… Gameplay Right off the Bat, Bubsy Paws on Fire is a different style of game than I was expecting to play, instead of a traditional Platformer it was very quickly apparent that this is more of a side-scrolling speed-run game. You play as one of 3 characters; Bubsy (of course), Virgil and Wool...