Into The Radius 2 is out in Early Access! This is the gritty sequel to, yes, you guessed it, Into The Radius. Developed and Published by CM Games, you are once again venturing into the Pechorsk Security Zone. This time, however, you don't have to go alone!
Anomalies Are Everywhere
Were you a fan of the first iteration of Into The Radius? Are you going to head back out and dive into the treacherous environment littered with anomalies? Good luck!
For those who have played the first game, you will be instantly at home in Into The Radius 2. CM Games has tried to keep it as similar as possible to allow that familiarity. For those new to the whole world, then let's dive into what makes Into The Radius a great little franchise. When you first fire up Into The Radius 2, you are tak...