Tag: FPS

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – PC Review
PC Reviews

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – PC Review

Another year passes and just like the new moon a new Call of Duty game appears. This time however with the rather confusing title of Modern Warfare II, no not a remake of Modern Warfare 2 from 2009, but a direct sequel to the Modern Warfare reboot of 2019. With a brand new engine from Infinity Ward powering the game there was lots to look forward to, once I had downloaded the required 31.5GB, surprising small for a Call of Duty game! Is this a change that will stay for good or when multiplayer and Warzone 2.0 come along will this file size grow to over 100GB? Who knows! Lets hope not! Anyway enough about file sizes, in this review I will covering just the Campaign element of the game. That is because the lucky souls (that's me!) who pre-ordered/got a review key were able to access th...