YouTubers Life 2 is certainly lining up to be a smash hit, just like the first game. We now have popular YouTubers being confirmed to star in the game as mentors, such as PewDiePie, Crainer, Rubius, Paluten, and more.
Raiser Games and UPLAY Online are pleased to announce this, there will be 10 YouTubers appearing in the game in total and you will be able to interact with them via side quests in the game when it releases on the PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation later this year.
Check out some screenshots of the famous faces in the game below

In Youtubers Life 2 you will be able to: –
Create content on different apps: NewTube, Glitch, and InstaLife.
Explore NewTube City throughout three different neighborhoods: The City Hall, Downtown, and the Port. Each one has unique stores, leisure centers, activities, and other Youtubers (NPCs) with whom we can build a social relationship.
Follow different trends triggered at different times, take pictures to Instalife, or record VOD and streamings on the way. The city is alive and will be a key to your development as a Youtuber.
Record your progress on your Drone – your closest, customisable friend who will follow you on your adventures.
New customisation options for your character and for your home. For the first time in the franchise, we will be able to customize our home and setup with our preferred style.
Did you play the original game? Let us know down in the chat.
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