Over the Top WWI – PC Preview

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Over the Top WWI is as you have guessed, a World War 1 shooter. Akin to Battlefield 1, you set about some visceral battles with on foot infantry as well as vehicles.

Over The Top isn’t just the name of the game

If you’re a fan of shooters and a fan of World War 1, then this might just be the game you have been looking to add to your library. Let’s take a look at some of the features in this heart-pumping preview.


So you might think that this section is going to be short for a shooter. Well, you’d be incredibly wrong! There are so many strings to the proverbial bow of Over The Top WWI that just covering a few is probably doing it a disservice. On the other hand we want to keep this a nice brief overview of a preview. So we will do our best.

image asking if you want germans to talk in german in the game, or with english in a german accent.
Decisions, Decisions

Heading from the main menu into character selection, you can pick from a number of predesigned characters. After this you get to zhuzh it up a bit with a selection of facial hair, and other traditional customisation options.

Forget all that though, because let’s be honest, you aren’t playing a WWI game to design your own characters. You want to take it to the battlefield, and that is where Over The Top WWI does a fine job! With both multiplayer and single player modes to choose from, there is something for everyone.

How Many!

Whichever option you choose, when you hit the battlefield, you will be doing so with up to 200 other players or bots. Over in the single player portion there are unique challenges and narratives to follow. Whereas in multiplayer, you just have to battle it out. This is where using your own strategies and tactics will get you the win.

am image showing a number of infantry stood around both in front of buildings and in front of sandbags.
What we’ve got here is failure to communicate!

With an aim to be as realistic as possible, Over The Top WWI has destructible environments, realistic projectile physics alongside authentic weapons and uniforms. It almost goes a bit too far on the realism bar, showing the brutality of war with its gore and blood.


With over 12 maps coming in the final release (there were six maps in this preview) all inspired by historical locations, Over The Top WWI does it’s best to envelop you in the era. An easy-to-learn map editor allows a vast expansion of the game. This gives replayability and the ability to grow a community directly to the gamers too.

Add to these maps, the dynamic environmental effects in the game, allowing seasonal changes as well as a dynamic time of day. Meaning each battle is entirely different. I mean we all know what its like driving somewhere at night. Imagine taking to the battlefield and figuring out which direction you are facing!

Gif showing off a spawn where we spawned into flames with our team mates screaming
Ring of Fire!


At the beginning of this article I mentioned vehicles. In the preview build I played, there were four unique tanks and two armoured vehicles included. Giving you a taste of what’s to come later down the line. In the final game, there are going to be iconic vehicles from the era. With the Mark IV and the A7V Sturmpanzerwagen to name a couple, bringing unprecedented firepower to the front lines.

Don’t forget that alongside the transport options, you also have the ability to call in different artillery options. From Chlorine Gas to Incendiary Bombs, there are options to turn the tide of war in your favour. So lace up your boots, throw your weapon over your shoulder and run face-on into Over The Top WWI!

Graphics and Audio

So far so good right? Over The Top WWI is shaping up to be an incredible game, but something just felt a bit off about the graphics. I mean they were good, no doubt about that. But the face models, the vehicle models, they almost felt too sharp. I know, what a problem to have, but hear me out. If I am going to play a game based on the most visceral battlefield, I almost want a bit of grit to my graphics. A bit of a filter would have done wonders to tone down the sharpness and let me immerse myself just that little bit more.

Audio wise, I have no complaints. The screams of enemies on fire, the sound of explosions going off all around you. Even the gramophone music option makes that soundtrack more time-relevant.

a gif of me shooting at enemies and then being thoroughly destroyed with blood flying everywhere
I got shot in the buttocks…and the arm, and the chest, and the legs.


I always struggle with the longevity section of a game review. It’s always hard to quantify a game that leaves you as breathless as the end of a round. Wanting to sit out, but absolutely enjoying the time you just spent within the game. Yes, this game has a lot of value in it, especially with this only being a preview build. Yes, you are going to want to spend many hours honing your skills and getting used to each gun in the game. Does that mean I could sit and play the game for hours on end uninterrupted? Probably not. Again this doesn’t mean the game isn’t addictive, its just a full on experience with very little respite while you are playing.

Final Thoughts

Over The Top WWI is shaping up to be an incredible addition to what could be considered a pretty saturated genre of games. However, I feel that there is enough about this one that sets it apart from its obvious comparisons. Enough to make you choose this one over the next.

Hopefully this preview whets your appetite to keep an eye on this one. Don’t forget to head over to Steam here and give it a wishlist. The release date on Steam still says Coming Soon, but as soon as we know when a release date is officially announced we will pass that information onto you. For now, thanks for reading and check out the commented gameplay trailer below for some more information.

Disclaimer: A code was received in order to write this preview.

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