The line-up has been announced for accessibility conference GAconf. GAconf is a professional conference for the games industry, founded to advance the field of accessibility in game development. Suitable for all disciplines of the games industry, the hybrid event will take place on October 28th-29th. With both a free to attend online event held through Zoom and Discord, as well as an in-person gathering in Redmond.
Accessibility Matters
Awareness of the importance of game accessibility has increased hugely in recent years, with ever growing numbers of developers seeing the benefits. GAconf offers two days of talks and networking exploring recent and future advancements in the field of game accessibility. Event attendees can expect a wide range of topics from all sectors of the industry. From indie to AAA and academia to accessibility specialists. GAconf will fill you with inspiration, new contacts, and practical accessibility knowledge!
Speakers include indie accessibility superstars, AAAs and publishers, service companies through to disabled gamers, advocates, and specialists. In fact there are far too many incredible people to list in this short news piece! So please do head to GAconf website for the complete list of speakers!
Understanding and implementing accessibility principles has improved vastly within the games industry, but everyone can always do better. More and more developers with each game they make, are making their first forays into the accessibility field. GAconf is the place to learn how to reach as wide a range of players as possible, so no player is unnecessarily excluded. Gaming is for everyone!
To find out more about GAconf and to register for the event head to their website.
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