E3 has officially kicked off for 2017 and here at Thumb Culture, we thought we would round up all the good bits so that you’re kept in the know with what’s coming up in the next few months and beyond!
EA has kicked off this year with a pretty strong conference which detailed a whole host of content for existing games and games coming in the future. Some gret titles were detailed by EA, the main one being Star Wars Battlefront 2 which featured about half an hour of pure game play footage played by notable members of the community LIVE on stage.
Before we get into the details of the games, a very good point to note right now is EA/Origin Access is currently free for the next week so jump on and give all those yummy EA games a play before the free week ends!

Battlefield One
A whole host of new content coming for Battlefield One including –
- New night maps
- New competitive mode
- New expansion ‘Name of the Tsar’ which brings with it six new maps, women’s battalion, Russian army, character specializations, new vehicles and weapons.

Madden 18
- New and updated systems
- Story mode

Fifa 18
- New and updated systems
- Fifa champions competitions
- Story mode – The return of Alex Hunter

NBA Live 18
- Overhauled game play
- Play on the streets and in the league
- Free demo in August, which you can create your own legacy and carry this over to the game.
- Building your skills through play, creating the character unique to you.

Need for Speed Payback
- Stunning graphics and slow mo crashes
- Brand new story mode
- Relic cars that can be turned into custom super cars
- Elements of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit possibly in game

- EA/Bioware new Intellectual Property title
- Looks to be a sci-fi type game, with monsters!
- Hopefully more details to follow in the next few conferences.

A Way Out – EA Originals
- From the developers of Brothers – A Tale of Two Souls
- Co-op only – Online or Local
- Split screen game play – can view both character’s angles throughout the game
- A story about two prisoners, reminiscent of Prison Break with stealth and Hitman elements mixed in
- Late 1960’s, early 19070’s era game
- Escaping prison is only part of the story

Star Wars Battlefront 2
- An original, offline, single player campaign focusing on a trooper from the Sith/First Order side
- Story bridges the gap between the films Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens
- Three times the content of the first Battlefront game
- Content from all three eras of Star Wars
- More planets, vehicles, re-worked weapons, heroes and character progression options
- Character classes, which will make squad play important
- New game modes
- FREE downloadable content after launch with themed seasons continually changing for years to come
- Pre-Order information – Get Early Beta Access and a Yoda Mastery Star Card
EA have kicked off E3 2017 with a fair amount of content and new games which definitely came out of nowhere. Star Wars Battlefront 2 was the real star of the show though, featuring a lot of game play footage and details of the game which should be releasing near the end of this year to coincide with the new film.
E3 2017 is one of the strongest yet and so far has been an awesome viewing delight. Make sure you check out the rest of our E3 coverage on the Thumb Culture website and let us know your thoughts on E3 2017 down below.