Microsoft have been doing an incredible job recently, bringing Japanese games to Xbox players around the world. Adding both the Persona and Yakuza/Like a Dragon series to their Game Pass offerings, the attention now turns to the latest title from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, the developers of the series formerly known as Yakuza, Like a Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name. Will Microsoft manage to nab Gaiden for it's Game Pass lineup? After all, Zero to Like a Dragon are all there. Conversely, Ishin isn't available via Game Pass.
This One Is For You, Kyodais!
So, will Gaiden be available on Game Pass? Microsoft took to the stage at the Tokyo Game Show and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio Head Masayoshi Yokoyama had an answer for exactly that. Yes, Gaiden will be available on Game Pass. From Da...