Month: April 2022

Abermore Review
PC Reviews

Abermore Review

Abermore is a first-person stealth and heist simulator by Four Circle Interactive (10 Second Ninja). With publishing by Fireshrine Games (KeyWe, Mechwarrior 5), Abermore is only available on PC via Steam. There does not appear to be any plans to bring the game to console. Abermore is a Stealthy Bomb For all outward appearances, Abermore looked to be a game I'd greatly enjoy playing. It has sneaking around, robbing the upper class, and fencing the goods you've stolen. But upon playing the game with all those intentions, it is sadly going to be a rough go for most if not all players trying to play at this time. Unlike my usual reviews, this one is going to take a little bit of a different approach so the format may seem a bit off. But please read on for further understanding. Gameplay...
Gamesir VX Aimbox Review
Hardware & Tech

Gamesir VX Aimbox Review

How often have you been playing your console and thought to yourself "This would be so much better if I was using a Keyboard and Mouse"? Well the Gamesir VX Aimbox might just be the bit of hardware you need to level up your console gaming experience. PC Grade Performance on Console? Lets get the elephant in the room out of the way straight away. This is NOT an Aimbot in any way shape or form! Right now that the naming confusion is out of the way lets crack on with the review. If you enjoy this review please feel free to check out my other articles right here! Design The Aimbox is basically a small USB box, with 3 double sided USB 2.0 ports on the front, a USB-C port on the back for extra power (if required) and a hardwired USB2.0 cable that plugs into your console. To complete the d...