Month: October 2021

Sonic Colours Ultimate Review
PlayStation Reviews

Sonic Colours Ultimate Review

Time and time again it has been said that Sonic's transition to 3D hasn't been as easy as, say, a certain plumber's. For that reason, I didn't even touch a 3D Sonic game until 2011 when Sonic Generations came out. It's also no secret that I am a HUGE Sonic fan and my heart lies in his heyday on the Sega Mega Drive and I didn't want anything taking that away from me. I really enjoyed Sonic Generations, but apparently, I've missed out by skipping the Sonic Adventure games on the Dreamcast. Given the reputation, I think it's acceptable to approach new 3D Sonic games with caution. Sonic Colours Ultimate - Is it Heads and 'Tails' Above the Rest? But Sonic Colours Ultimate isn't strictly a new Sonic game. It's a remaster of Sonic Colours which was released in 2010 exclusively on the Nintendo W...