Wired Productions, in partnership with Italian developer LKA, have confirmed today that their chilling first-person psychological adventure game The Town of Light will be released on Tuesday 6th of June on both physical and digital formats for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
The Town of Light, based on extensive research and inspired by real facts, is a first-person psychological story driven adventure game set in the Volterra Psychiatric Asylum, based in Tuscany, Italy. The asylum was shut down in the late 1970’s by a law from the Italian government which instructed all asylums to close completely and give back patients their civil rights. In The Town of Light you get to explore the asylum as it stands to this day and uncover the good and the bad that humankind has to offer.
Playing through the fictional eyes of Renée, a 16-year-old girl who suffers from the symptoms of mental illness, you are to search for answers to the many questions from her past whilst exploring the place where she spent most of her youth.
What is said to happen next is a dark and emotional journey where the lines between entertainment, storytelling and reality become very blurred indeed.
The Town of Light was originally released last year on PC however the game has been majorly overhauled to enhance the graphics, include new music and add further puzzles to the dramatic storyline. For existing users of the game the new release shall be free to upgrade, for newcomers the game shall retail around £19.99.
The Town of Light looks amazing and should be a hit with fans of psychological, atmospheric and thrilling games. Here at Thumb Culture we can’t wait! Take a look at the release trailer below and let us know what you think!
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