SupaRetroN HD by Hyperkin – Coming Soon

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Given the recent surge in Retro gaming we have seen a number of consoles and emulation devices arrive from both Official and 3rd party companies (I think it’s safe to say with mixed results). Even the SNES Mini Classic which is kind of where the bar has been set recently has its drawbacks (Limited number of games). Well, Hyperkin have announced their latest entry into the SNES Retro Market with the SupaRetroN HD:

With the SNES being without a doubt the best-selling console of its era (Sorry Sega!). It’s hardly surprising that a large number of people (myself included) have been salivating over the idea of being able to play their back catalogue in HD on our nice new flat screen TV’s.

The first thing that I notice when seeing the picture for this console is that it has the stylish retro feel and look of our favourite 90s machine! Hyperkin have told us the following so far in the build-up to the SupaRetroN HD release:

Hyperkin’s SupaRetroN HD is a new console dedicated to taking those games to the next level via top quality hardware and a vibrant HD output. Dust off those cartridges and feel the exhilaration of Nintendo’s greatest hits once again – it’s never been easier or more worthwhile! Tech that loves your cartridges as much as you do.

Hyperkin knows how much time, money and effort retro gamers put into building their game collection. The SupaRetroN HD has been built-in a way that looks after your favourite SNES cartridges, while making the games themselves visually stunning. Central to this philosophy is new Pin Perfect™ technology. These new state-of-the-art pins have been engineered in-house by Hyperkin and maintain perfect pin contact, even if you bump or shake the cartridge! The presence of these high-quality pins alongside a special cartridge eject button means you can swap cartridges with confidence all day long.

Once slotted in, the SupaRetroN HD’s HD output will display your games with incredible clarity – letting you experience those great SNES titles like never before.


The SupaRetroN HD is going to be shipped with 2 Premium Hyperkin Controllers. While I personally don’t own them, I do know and have friends that have used these with their own retro gaming setup and swear by them as even more robust than the official Nintendo controllers so I’m really happy to see that this will ship with 2 of them for all our multiplayer needs.

Full Features List

• Plays both SNES and SFC Cartridges HD Audio and Video: Crisp 720p HD
• Two premium controllers – The Scout – with 8ft cables
• Pin Perfect™ high-quality pins your cartridges deserve
• Cartridge Eject Button allows you to swap games quickly and easily
• HD Output and AV Output
• Supports 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios
• 6ft Micro-USB charge cable

Looking over this list the key thing for me that jumps out is that if will play both SNES And SFC games, so any of you that collect imports will also be able to enjoy them without needing to swap and change machines which is always a bonus.


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