The latest Pokémon GO in-game event is almost upon us and is due to start tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9th at 10:00 am through Sunday, March 14th at 08:00 am local time.
The season of legends event will bring us more encounters of Ground, Rock and Steel-types in the wild. There’s also a chance of finding a shiny Nosepass whilst playing during this event. Another one to add to your living dex of shiny mons!
In the news Niantic tells us:
The Season of Legends begins with a search for Legendary Pokémon! Any successful search requires a good sense of direction—and if there’s one Pokémon equipped to help in that regard, it’s Nosepass. The Compass Pokémon will be appearing in greater numbers to help you sniff out leads alongside a variety of Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type Pokémon. If you’re lucky, you might find a Shiny Nosepass!
I love this game but haven’t really played too much of it lately, I am currently addicted to Rust. Are you a fan of this smash-hit mobile game? Let us know in the comments.
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