GT Sport is here!! Polyphony Digital have finally released it after delays that felt like a lifetime. As a racing fanboy I’m really pumped for this game and hoping my expectations aren’t dashed. This is the first PlayStation 4 outing for the Gran Turismo series. Sales for GT Sport have been great so far with it hitting number 1 in the sales charts, and beating the original Gran Turismo on the PlayStation 1. Also beating Gran Turismo 6 on the PlayStation 3. A bit of info for all you Sony fanboys out there too GT Sport almost tripled the week one sales of Forza 7.
I’m sat here looking at the GT Sport Collectors Edition and wondering to myself, which is better? GT Sport or Project Cars 2 which I also reviewed HERE
Lets get comfy in my cockpit and put it through its paces. It’s the only way we will find out.
Ok now I’m comfortable and onto GT Sport. Well first things first the very predictable Day One Patch since GT Sport is an online game. It’s a whopping 12gb so I hope you all have a fast internet connection. I’ll grab a coffee and get back to you.
GT Sport has loaded and your met with an awesome intro video with a great soundtrack just to help you get those hairs on your arms standing up with excitement. GT Sport now officially has my attention. The opening screen is beautifully presented, everything is nice and clear. The car choice in the game and the track content might be a bit worrying for some racers here. There are 17 track locations with 40 variations. The cars on offer are from 34 Manufacturers and there are 167 to choose from in total. Stats aside, the cars and tracks on offer are beautifully done and are pretty much perfect with regards to details.
There is no Career Mode or Licenses to earn in GT Sport. Well not one that’s labelled “Career Mode”. Instead there is a “Driving School” which takes the place of earning licenses. You don’t have to do these if you don’t want to. I would however recommend doing them as you get free cars to add to your garage, who doesn’t like free cars??? The traditional Career Mode has been replaced with “Challenges” These can range from short sector races or a simple 2-3 lap race right the way through to endurance racing, although I would love to see longer endurance races than whats currently on offer. Again completing challenges offers you free cars to add to your garage.
There is also an Arcade option for those of you who just want a quick fix on GT Sport. These consist of Race, Time Trial and Drift. These are all self-explanatory so I wont treat you like you are stupid.
The main focus for GT Sport is online racing. Also the one thing you will notice is you can’t just jump in there head first. Before you do anything you have to sit and watch a couple of videos about racing etiquette. I welcome these videos and encourage you to watch them so everyone in the Gran Turismo community can have the best overall experience together. For me these are the bible of clean sportsman like racing. Fortunately those nice folks at Polyphony Digital have been good to us with racing online. Everyone racing gets grouped together according to their skill and their racing etiquette. So if you’re a racer who likes to bump and shove all the way round the track like a Mad Max reject, I probably won’t ever see you on the track as I’ll never be grouped with you.
Some racing games can offer a distinct advantage to racers who are able to tune their cars with precision. This can put some people off as some options can be overwhelming and simply just to in-depth and scary. The options given to you in GT Sport have been simplified so anyone can tune a car if they wish to do so. If you don’t tune a car, sure the tuned cars might have an edge on occasion but as a whole with good driving skills you can still remain competitive with the pack and really push their skills to the limits. There are plenty of racers who are also more than happy to help you tune and to explain everything if you are having problems. Don’t be shy in picking up your digital spanner and having a go for yourself.
How can I do a game-play section for GT Sport and forget to mention the Photo Mode called Scapes. I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on! Scapes is the Photo Mode on GT Sport. Now i know some of you will be dying to scroll past this section. DON’T!! check out Scapes as the image quality on show here is truly outstanding. You can position your choice of cars, adjust all your filters etc and the picture at the end you could pass off as one you physically took yourself. It’s out of this world.
One welcome change to GT Sport is the livery editor. Gone are the days where everyone’s car looks the same generic styling. Now you can make it how you want to have it. This can take your day up very easily if you let it. Days could even roll into weeks if you want to do something detailed. Unfortunately there is one part of livery editor which is still not live yet and that’s the ability to create and upload your own decal using your pc, hopefully that’s coming to us sooner rather than later.
GT Sport has really done itself proud graphically. The level of detail on show is tremendous. The cars look amazing and I love almost everything about this game graphically…….except the background scenery when racing. Don’t get me wrong it’s still very good but I think it could have been better. Everything within the game is a joy to look at and didn’t notice any glitches or bugs during my time playing GT Sport.
I hate trying to describe audio on racing games. GT Sport is no exception. The engine notes sound great. The tires screech when they should do. The one thing that separates this from Project Cars 2 is the music while you race round. YES I like this. You can’t beat a good catchy tune when racing to help you get into your racing groove.
GT Sport is a beautiful game without a doubt. I love the way the online section has been handled. I do however think that if you are just after a single player experience then this might not be a game for you. The single player modes and features are fun but there’s not enough content for me to say you should get this game now. Although……. Polyphony Digital CEO and series creator Kazunori Yamauchi has said there will be additional cars and tracks released after the launch – both paid and free. So there is more content in the pipeline. Also you have to think there are NO MICRO TRANSACTIONS in this game which I am grateful for and welcome with open arms.
In my Project Cars 2 review I stated that I thought it was so good GT Sports should be worried. That is something I would officially like to retract. I love Project Cars 2 and I love GT Sport but these games shouldn’t be compared to each other even slightly. They are worlds apart from each other. Project Cars 2 is a 100% simulation. GT Sport hmm not so much. If I had to compare it to any other game, It would easily be Forza 7 with the racing style and car handling. I love this game and I think everyone should get online and play. It has been clearly designed for everyone to pick up and play although I would recommend a steering wheel to play this as I found the game was unbelievably easy on a joy pad. GT Sport hurtled through the finishing line to pick up the Thumb Culture Platinum Award
Disclaimer: A code was received in order to write this review.
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