Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit DLC Review

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Fancy some new furniture for Sims 4? Well the Industrial Loft Kit from Redwood Shores and EA is the latest in available DLC for the 7-year-old title.

Industrialise Your Life!

Lets take a look at what you get in this £4.99 DLC pack!  If you enjoy my review check out my past articles here!

Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit DLC
Bring a bit of Brooklyn into your life!


Inspired by the large converted warehouses of Brooklyn, New York, the Industrial Loft Kit allows you to transform parts of your house to replicate the industrial look.

In total there are 26 metal and wooden architectural elements to choose from.  These range from round metal ventilation pipes suspended from the ceiling, metal pendant bar lights to arched windows, fans, chairs and tables.

With the right positioning of the new furniture, you can make the rooms feel more spacious thanks to the extra light that can enter through the large windows and glazed sliding doors.  The overall effect certainly gives the feel of an industrial-style loft through the wood and steel framed contemporary objects.

Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit DLC
I actually do love the racked planter if I had the room IRL.

With the title of Industrial Loft Kit I was hoping that this DLC had some kind of building mechanic to it in order to construct a large open plan Brooklyn style room on the top of your house.  This is just a furniture pack with the price warrantying that.

The only down points I could see was that the large glass sliding doors are just a feature and do not open or close, they stay permanently open.  With all of the bedroom furniture such as a bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers it would have been nice to compliment the setup with a desk.

Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit DLC
Give your dining room that industrial restaurant feel!

Graphics & Audio

Each of the 26 contemporary elements are well-drawn in the Sims 4 style that you have all come to love.  Indeed the furniture, windows and doors do change up the spaces a bit.  The suspended metal lighting is really good and reminds me of my local pub while some of the buildings around here already have many of the features that are in this pack.  Needless to say the industrial look is an “in trend” right now.

Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit DLC
All of the included items in the kit.


The Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit adds another architectural element to your probably already sprawling DLC packs that you own.  The longevity is only stifled by your creative interior design!

Final Thoughts

I was a little bit gutted from the title that this wasn’t a full-blown loft conversion add-on.  I must remind myself that kits are mini collections!  The added industrial elements look good and certainly achieve what they set out to do.  With 26 elements to play with it is worth the price to give your rooms that added industrial contemporary feel!

The Sims 4 Industrial Loft Kit earns a Thumb Culture Silver award

Disclaimer: A code was received in order to write this review.

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