F1 2019 PS4 Review – Rise of a Legend

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Codemasters have returned with the latest instalment of the F1 franchise and this year they have released F1 2019 earlier than usual. A Whole 2 months earlier than F1 2018.

So why should you part with your hard earned money and purchase this game, only a whole 10 months after you probably bought last years?

Let’s Find Out!


Rather than going into the game telling you that it’s a racing game, the best thing to do is to let you know what has changed in F1 2019.

So the first thing that you will come across is the new F2 feeder series scenarios at the start of the career mode. This is a great way to introduce you to a couple of new characters that will pop up throughout your career. However this Feeder series is skippable, but its a great introduction into the game itself. Unfortunately, though the results of what you do on track doesn’t affect who you get offers for when you take the move to F1. You can simply choose any team to go and race for rather than having to start at a bottom team and move your way up. Slightly disappointing but I can look past it because the actual racing on track is just awesome.

Take your pick, the world is your oyster

So looking elsewhere we have a new Leagues option in F1 2019 allowing you to setup an online league straight in the game, changing a multitude of options including the AI quality for people that happen to miss the races. Want to setup a league to race on a Tuesday at 8pm every week?…no problem….want to set one up just for you and your friends to do as and when you are all online, then that is easy as well.

The options are massive for what you can customise, and then you can even create your own livery for your car and character. This allows you greater customisation than just the standard livery options on the standard teams.

Moving past the online and career, which to be honest will be where you spend most of your time, you have the options to race in a selection of events covering classic cars from between 1972 to 2010, F2 cars, and the newer 2019 cars. Then moving onto different championships which cover the invitational events that you get the opportunity to race in through your F1 2019 career, through to classic Senna and Prost scenarios (extra dlc if you don’t own the legends edition.)

Watch out in your rear view for this monster!

So what else can you do on the game, well you have the Esports section which when the season is running will give you an overview of the latest results and upcoming races in the F1 Esports season. It’s a neat little touch and gives you an insight into the Esports scene if you weren’t familiar with it already.

On track, it feels like the controls have been slightly tweaked to allow a bit of greater control. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to try out F1 2019 using my steering wheel, but from what I have heard from the racing community it definitely works well on a wheel. Expect there to either be an update to this review or even some live streams using the steering wheel in the future!

The showroom is a great place to spend some time looking at all the cars included in the game, and this then also makes it pretty apparent how much effort has gone into creating these cars this year. Each car is just beautiful and taking them all onto the track just proves that they are all different, with the older cars being squirmy and the newer cars being super-planted around the corners.


Well personally I didn’t think that the graphics could have been any better than last years, it was phenomenal, but somehow Codemasters have pulled it out the bag and F1 2019 is beautiful. From the car models to the tracks and the off-track elements they are all there stunningly.


Even the weather effects are great, qualifying in Bahrain in the dark with the dust and haze coming from the track is honestly something to see.


Always a contentious issue with racing fans, is that of the car sounds. Now since the cars have become more economical the engine sounds have been a bit hit and miss and regardless if you like the sound or not, Codies have smashed it again. The cars all sound great, then jump into an old classic car and listen to the engines roar.

Engineer sounds are great, coming through your headset loud and clear and once again the “shut up jeff” trophy has returned. Just hit the comms button, and tell him to keep his mouth shut!


If you are taking part in an Esports league whether it is official or just with your mates, F1 2019 will keep you going for the whole year. There is more than enough content in the game for you to always have something to do.

The classic cars will keep you honest.

I will be racing around the track till the next game is released!

Overall the game is fantastic, another great iteration into the F1 franchise, and once again Codemasters have done themselves proud with a game of this calibre.

F1 2019 receives the Thumb Culture Platinum Award!

Disclaimer: We received a physical copy of the game to carry out this review

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