TC Talks EP28 Retro 00:02:15 - 00:05:13 A b. 00:05:18 - 00:10:03 b. b. Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome into another. Tc talks podcast. I have no idea what number we're on. Now we're in the high twenty s. We've got to eight. Twenty eight of these things of these things i mean. That in itself is impressive. Twenty eight weeks nintendo. Look nineteen seventy seven straight in with a follow. Thank you very much for the flow. Tc talks boy from america. Excellent so if your information nintendo work culture we on the epitome of kosher right here and playing with his thumbs right there. What you're seeing on your screen now as the live recording of rtc talks podcasts. we do. Is we attempt to do this once a week. Let's use the night. And then get sent out into all of the podcasts fear and on your screen we have a few people We also have any face which oversees the reason why nintendo has come in today So as always over that side of about side of me. That is my might. D'appel yeah i was gonna say my brother from another and we have to pay to six six. Uk commenced you do. I'm good how you doing stu. I'm okay today. I'm okay. I'm not sending about two high down there. We have the man mountain himself. Hayden jason nelson bad. Thank you could you tell me that that meet names grinding a bill you but you could go about twice. I'll quit anything. And let me see if i can get this angle right down down. They're not calling there. He's the one and only sixteen bit nostalgia. Communist roseburg is fine. You really still for a while. Still so super cool. And i know no i always thinking as always welcome into the professionally recorded from coacher. Tc talks podcast today. If you've nice little title down below we aren't talking about retro being that. Brian comes in. And we talk about retro stuff. But i as always. We have our nicely. Welcome section so. Everybody would not do this week anything good. I think we'll stick with what we did last time is. We did one good thing bad thing. So let's j. j. this week how are you and tell me good things happen to you to this week. Good yup. I've ordered in all of this right. We're not allowed to mention the words xbox or playstation for my new consoles damn. Yeah you have. It doesn't it. Doesn't it landed on the on on thursday bike constance because he wasn't actually meant land until next week. Is it true that it's also being delivered by spacex based some is a big team. So it's going to be interesting. And then i've got to get out of stats and stuff is blatantly going to be hurricanes offense. Let me stick deliver my console and they won't be delivering my second console. That is to you on thursday as well as long as As long as the fence saas the good thing. Yeah news new stuff. New stuff is always a good thing. Won't one bad thing. Ubisoft steelers money still. It's been at least three weeks. Let's just say what it was two weeks since we did. The last one of these owed you to lots of money then yet. So there was an issue. 00:10:03 - 00:15:03 And i preordered valhalla. Sausage creed valhalla. Get the assassin's creed clinton editions with the statues. I collect stop to us. They took pay pal twice and attempted on my bank card directly. The bank cod one. Just kind of put it in suspense but didn't really take the money. It just wasn't in my account for a while so that saw it. I've got two oldest effectively that they've sent me one law for and i want my money back. Police ubisoft for the seventy eight. Last thing is not on an unknown. Essential amount of money. You watching because Blatantly our money. Yeah monterey that family guy episode money stop documents. Give him my money on one. Good wombat fish and chips to see him. So which one was that good or bad good. That was good dallas good but later because certain gluten. No these are free fish and chips the only one in the area and you go special oldham half hour go picking up one of our best us thought account fault so i should be good if she would disappear is towards. The end of the podcast is fun. Yes we know why. Just how little boys room allegedly an mad thing. Leaky ch no. Now the roof came on the weekend. Econ do nothing stops. Its company just raining. So we gotta kinda. We've got kind of shoe you might notice. Do they like absorbent. Parts for babies they mean no basic one for the bed be banned. Yeah we kind of go to absorb all the water coming in at the moment. Let's say hello by expanding foam. I do have expanding foam. Yeah he said. That's it. So i go from to come to patch before our new roof. Excellent excellent woke me into a couple of new faces into the stream as well. Kaleen eight thousand nine hundred and dock. Install a with my money. Got enough money to buy dentists guys now. Coming onto to to to the roy stuff. Yeah yeah there will be lots of different random names thrown at you to four. Despite you get used to they were. They were lovers to kind of one one. Good one bad one. Good bad good. I made a bit of progress with moisture amuse recording now. So i can get into my on viking metal journey. Xm recording talented. I rough carber song today and happy with a male probably goodbye completely recorded but it's a such as life. Yeah it's a star on the celebrity. How attend out biking mail. You should do a song about how ubisoft steelers me. Yeah for viking. Game the music. Come from you attempt. Gay dating bye-bye again. Yeah a hit song right there. One bad christmas is a little bit so messed me and my partner was supposed to be flying out to hungry this christmas. We were supposed to be seeing especially going flying out back in may but with everything that went on flights cancelled and now he's going in and out of the country so twice this year's persico see our family and it's not happening so rearranging christmas. Not flying out. She's a bit. Yeah pop is really. It's a bit pop just on on the upside side of the happiest time original sarcasm man cave. Welcome in buddy. Hope you are. Well we go so kaleen said you're walking song was sake cuckoo. Cuckoo nintendo has just load of guitars and the cia. I love it is young people talk for very good. I think is more sees as well is the more good as well more good. 00:15:04 - 00:20:00 Yes the most most good it could be. Yeah exactly so yeah I'm trying to think of what my good one bad thing is this week. I think good things. He's see new toys this week. an and bad things Poof well I'm a work last night and had to A police down to hours was working to come arrest two toss. Yeah yeah that's the way. People were commissioned. Just find the police on them. But yeah. That was the bad thing. So yeah but some as as actual are has dropped into the. I think he's only time an only fair that we give them massive shoutout to see literally cough new website about the. Gimme a break all right. I said i'd do it. I need you coming in getting back to to do something first. Podcasts number twenty yet as my number twenty eighth of this series but yes we have a new website. So if you haven't been to the thumb coach a website before. Please please do please go and check out and show some love to the amazing work that are has done. Oh see stu of work in the background gang stuff sausage on sina yup. It's an amazing looking website. We're still tweaking things to make sure that it's the best it can be by. It's phenomenal the up. The bill go. New logo is a very live is great and it's their slot in the movie screens. I think the podcast logos volt changed as well ball. Last week onwards. Yes so you apps going forward. We'll have the new logos. Last hot was the first one win. Backlogs so Yeah it's it's amazing a massively massively pleased with how all turned out The stream look will change slowly. But surely but yeah. He's he's looking is looking brash. I think is what the young people say an in wales to say quite skirt. Yes so yeah. Dan snuck in in the jazz well. actual coronas coffin jazz. The roads are run. Our run our is better than alexa are alexa alexa. Yeah i don't think she does. I really don't think she does. It's time sir. I'm going to pass over to my ganger. Some us guessing nudes us do it was it was a bit of a bittersweet moment this week for for ubisoft they announced. They no longer support achievement. Who says amazing news. Disappointing to me. The planet that doesn't want achievements Except for the whole it's about thousand people say they want him back but wait so they were. They came up with no longer sport. Chievements ought however valhalla is getting achievements on. Yeah everybody i think is these ubisoft rewards achievements not like like platinum achievements on the playstation stuff. Stuff like i see it on. Steam is like you've scored six goals. One minute well done so steam achievements and stuff the same thing like i think when you unlock in chievements in a ubisoft game you also get the points behind the scenes given you those points What's the point. Saccomano achievements Awards though you could you could earn points to redeem your other things though. Yeah on the you play so bad. i'll give it out for you. It's something which is not only redeemable again stuff against game as well. 00:20:00 - 00:25:03 It can be redeemable by anything. There's even a twenty percent of say same. Wasn't it yeah. It's quite good You xbox game score you get a discount on the games and things like not using the reward systems quite good. But we've had we've had a whole potable achievement be selfish pulpit in cheese for lal halla on. Pc ligo that's not so bad The beeps bbc poet. A video games goodful wellbeing sits yok oxford university. I mean my mesa change right nice headline gaming the wants and while going on about this dot causing daft play. gte pick up a prostitute for mental health. So if your accent is whilst you. I thought you were going to say. Video games are good for welsh beings. Reason they've about how out to place it. Just welsh eat a week ago. The only k came up the valleys like a week ago so match turn consoles because you come to the valleys yet. Uh guy gaming. Good your wellbeing. I mean we all knew that out anyway. League remains to you. I know east so like escape so mood while say hard. do that. Coming with me. And me and nate coach ruggedly evening the other day as well. That was good fun. Next trees seem play on. What you call chat cau- like politics anyway next one. I'm ea could we because we know they are co by funding so thumbs up to they're launching a feat suspension tracking tool. Have you seen this anyone today. I wanted to see that by the headline. i mean so fever playtime. This is going to be called gifts. Plays an overview how much time and money they spent on for twenty one on ability to set spending for ultimate team limit. I think this must be on the backlash. Aw while the dutch clear so a basically outlines how much how much play. Yeah so they went to a clayton. Controls protect yourself competition where the person we've liked the highest paid amount like some points. It's coming on the seventeenth with just today is actually news. Being lose a risk spend tracking tool time. Yeah for playtime similar. This article game really does know. Have a link what it's not because it wasn't life when they raked. Yes yes he was yet. You go to opt in on fever so it says turn on fevwho playtime opt into fee for playtime from the on line settings tile in the customized top on the main fever menu then head to the playtime tile from the on online settings tile in the main menu the mormon all the volta football more menu to learn about your engagement in fever and said we easy to know how many people are gonna go around for the shauwie neighbor. Game rated cam coggins is is rating us with. No franken pimm though this evening. I heard he's flying solo tonight. I think if celes have no idea what that is but it sounds good. Tutti pflaumer picks very retro looking on sold new transfusion like a really really good game. Chronicles the journey through select different have mental health stages. Yeah that's right yeah interesting. 00:25:04 - 00:30:02 Just north going around tiba hoods so many different people so speak about it in such positive way. Yeah and it's on favorites. No it's on game day on and we're not endorsed by game pass xbox if you'd like team please get in touch inquiries at tom coach k. If you want to send some spam nightingale at coaching look kidding to sell me ship anyway. Next one this is about the playstation five was already out is already in other is. he's not deem a second class citizen japan. You think yeah. I think it's out in the us but like not canada for example town severely list of places if you pull plaque offs co war on ps five apparently people again in the playstation versions yan and it can lead to needing to factory reset if you're not careful as principle. There's a whole big thing. Isn't it whether they're also saying like people playstation five on actually playing the playstation five of games. So what happens is if you hop on the just on the playstation store from the ps five of courses backwards compatible so you can get a ps four games and if you've bowl college ut pop onto that store and one of the first buttons that you see is download all so naturally download all. That's what i want. But it's defaulting to downloading the ps four version. And either you get the ps four version. And you're playing not the best version that you could be playing on your new console it locks up you download queue and you have to factory reset it so there's this little ellipses apparently abc's on the screen kind of like a mobile app. Put have all wherever he hit by. You can say don't download the ps four one. So that if you'd know of the bug no one's listening and you haven't got ups five. Just be maybe. Don't hit the button straight away and just double check what it's gonna tell all sure. I don't hit on. Download the bug bus. I'll just bug. Who is coggins in the cia. It's kind of exacerbated because at deficient charging you for a patch so it kind of just one version of duty as a ps four version and a ps five version the same thing happening on xbox but apparently you because of that smart delivery defaults to the more modern version anyway. If you've paid for that version say it's bit more handled by the storefront but the same thing could happen there as well say it's a soft oversight. The alamo leftover look on. When when i get my my. Ps five and see what it says closely. I've got the christian cross gen bundle option so we will see swallow. We'll see how it looks and see if it's as straightforward as you'd like to think is but the other thing as well as i heard that some people playing the downloading the ps five versions of games and like the ps four slash. Ps five versions of games. Spit still only playing. Ps four version apparently to press like options to bring out the side menu. Go down to version game version. An in there is the option to make sure you're doing the five version which will either allow you to play or prompted the patch to be downloaded it just default to the bell. One of the one. That's supposed to be on. You would think thinking what you're on. I mean personally. I think that you should be allowed to download. Ps four versions of stuff. So you can go to your library. Rae and that's how you get your different games and backwards compatibility not library. Everything should default to stop the has a playstation five patch. 00:30:02 - 00:35:00 I think if you wanna do about quits compatibility section. They should be a separate section for la. Yeah you almost wanna be able to default to your version. If you're not bothered. Any driver may be saved space day. Download chew actively choose to get the lesser version of the defaulting to a lesser version. It kind of does thought on the on the new xbox it you can pick which ration it downloads will by default just download using. I've made smart delivery but it just means you download the version. That works on your machine really. That's that's just this of marketing for everyone but here we are doing except we going over you. Press the button. 'cause we've made it slightly more convoluted but one thing about is obviously you can download. You can just download something pops that you want. The i've been doing the review for the game. I've just finish the campaign so i've still campaign pain playstations for excuse so it just means that you know if i just want multiplayer could just take a lot less than on on the. Ssd did not sit. Aye hopefully the playstation download speeds are decent. Yeah fund the enough being doing that more and more because kia's five. Does that as well where you can pick what you install the enough the halo collection update today. Apparently because that was originally you have all the games was like hundred twenty gig. But you've got like six games there but you can pick which ones you want to install wherever you want. Just the single player multiplayer. And all that say. It's good to win. they do that. Gives you a bit more flexibility. You get some people. Let myself on predominantly a single player game. Oh yeah so. I would generally download the multiplayer side of things for a no worry about the campaign bulbs the dinner review. You have to do these things for the greater good number. The news the last ones cheap. Yeah i was gonna see. I feel like it went under the radar for a moment. Take to buy out. Cuba's even go under the radar have been one of the people. Don't care about stuff like that down there. Well i associate with the moment just disappeared. But it's going to be set to complete eddie next year. Anyway yeah seven hundred and something million pounds of the law i. I'm intrigued by that Of the prize a big race in a big fan of cody's as well as i am and obviously with take two comes to k which obviously if you if people know anything about how you k. franchises of ghulam especially with mba. There is a massive pay to win of focused especially in the uk. Twenty was obviously brady bad for gambling. It was it was a gambling game with a side hassle of basketball. So i'm i'm intrigued to see especially with cope monsters recently acquiring slightly mad studios and product cars. It's it's gonna be interesting. I kind of hope that take to just kind of say. Look obama's we've bought you. We're going to publish a games under the cape anna. But do you won't do kind like they did with hp studios and the golf club kind of franchise they monaco behind it. I mean to be fair. What what kate. Moss is doing to a five recently and plus. The more sim salter cheap. We know what they do. Those plus the f. one franchise doesn't need by. I think anything like anybody outside coming in to it is still small refinements tweaks to make and these games but i see two bugs. I saved to see a battery just trying to get nice gray box box. They just didn't get too involved in a product that is already well established in good. Yes i mean. 00:35:00 - 00:40:01 The the positive could be is that in get real recalls providence caused. That really really look like other calls licenses. That costs a lot. So maybe that's another side of white costs a lot to remember the times You've got three. Gte's per generation rather than three generations pageants. Yeah that's the one thing that's gonna stand out about the playstation five reveal is the fact the first game the one game that they decided to show i on their new playstation. Five was g five online. It's just from. Ps three and back. Anyway i can anything with that and then last thing before we move onto the feature is. I don't know whether you saw any the ultra realistic models that they brought to the could install. Gt on the pc. I do hope that kind of what we might expect. And when the update comes mill next year whether it will not probably japan increasingly distant so much money on the online stuff. It's almost like the dasa the not bother make incr- and also take a cut if it goes by stores so they all seem to be playing seems. I think if you haven't completed the story by now you're not going to you gus. The truth the whole truth. Unfortunately but i think he's telling me move on to our animation coming out abel's this we're talking about retro. I mean apt has brought on by coincidence. Yes yes mosit- took. I think the first thing to do is see to understand what each of us think. Retro is now we come to ask because he is obviously the retro gaming corner master pasta. Okay i'll think about it. You think about the thing. Jay when someone says retro. I wanna no way you'll call. So what systems do you classes retro. So the joking part of me says the xbox one's now and in two days time the ps four retro site. Is i kind of i treat from one generation ago probably three sixty. Fps three backwards is a broad window. But that to me is. Retro is the kind of stuff that becomes a little bit more specialists like after seek out online rob them perhaps wandering into a you know a big shopping town wherever you up the nice smoldering these shops that do stock retro stuff and that to me is almost the cutoff like this for xbox one that stuff sticking around for years you know joking. Aside is is not really retro toll but it becomes harder and harder to get. Ps three three sixty and oversee. The old you go the more difficult some games can be as well not so almost my my definition is where it becomes a little bit more specialist to get perhaps a little bit more sought-after by collectors as a result Some some people say you for see that they are going to these things and by all up front and then hang onto it. Some people get into a late time and things that would be my definition. i think yeah okay stoop. Are we talking. What rise in third generation red trophy thunderbird no basically for the i guess because i be predominantly. Abc nine thousand nine hundred. He'll ask my came into the pc things so for me. Virchow show is your mega drive. Your sneh's commodore sixty four tarez. Anything i wouldn't even goes father's like dreamcast bachelor. I don't think i. I mean i know it is but to me the a people for me. 00:40:01 - 00:45:03 My my cut off his mega drive in the sneh's like i think i'd probably go along with that. I consider retro to be the the media. The physical media are buying in my by. My kitchen is physical media. So obviously we're still working on disks now even though we're on like plea raise and things that i think for me. A cartridge system is probably. Why would consider as as retro. Now you call the whole oversee knows which uses cartridges and always has done. I think with that kind of side of things you looking. More towards. Like the gameboy advance. Why consider to be like a retro system. So yeah let you say stu mega drive. Sneh's master system you all kinds of stuff is is what i would class retro system. Yes one no. I wouldn't the ps one as a retro system because it's still using is compact disc since two compact disc and evil. Well no but we use it for him saying this. Two disc said life in terms of physics. Still this no i shop. She getting insane. Twenty p seattle will cost that they go see clean in the chaz no is not retry pace one is retro for new a game as but we're not talking about new game as we're talking about us you know blood. Yeah the playstation four is retrofitted gave gamers the born in like fifteen years. We'll fifty nine. So let's hear from the authority himself. Wouldn't guys off all tell us. Oh mitee mazda. The rhetoric that it's it's all a bit subjective religiousness sadness and individual longer side a little bit more with with jane saying it's kossovo over sought to jay generational and so of h thing for us to get back to the say twenty ten and ps three experts. Sixty amid psycho kaffa last year. Right this or mid cycle and at which point we would cool or maybe not used to dispatch media but the ps which was released and ninety four that would have been called retro two generations old. Now we're two generations on from the ps three now. I kind of would say the. Ps two is definitely retro. And the ps three and xbox three sixty early days are starting to creep in and that sorta like tonga's generation age is getting getting a little bit wider. Because there's a bigger gap between console releases. Now than what they used to be for example between saying the most assistant gm in the uk released in nineteen late. Eighty seven The mega drive came for years later. Now getting seven years between generations are getting more of the of the consoles with getting so that copies growing. So i'm gonna go from definitely. Ps two dreamcast original xbox backwards. Okay interesting. I mean you're wrong. It's okay not considered point. i'm reading it tweets and one guy said anything with the stop button on the controller without them anymore. We have a burger in. Honk than we out. Burqa hulk we have now. What was what was st. not slide select stocks. Let's or yeah. Three sixty was back but then it was the too off to that where it was the back button and little squares on the xbox which i call the options. Yeah so that's honk button has gone. I'm going to do a person and every time. I take screenshot her Just look to us about what. Your definition of reggio was brought. Just look online to see the obviously the online media. 00:45:03 - 00:50:04 Reckons is the definition of a retro game and it basically said anything that's fifteen years old which by what you're saying about generations that would work out. New world of warcraft was retro when law. The coggins is coming in with the exact. definition of. Retro is imitative of a style of fashion from the recent past. So they've go room. Let's say fifty s pretty recent. Yeah i mean. I can't remember like five years ago so i can't remember before marsh is all. I think that's true. Actually so elissa catch up on a little bit. Chat kaleen said be careful brian. I think that was in reference to the everything. I think from an old Kevin said richards more style based in his opinion for enough and the millennial if we get console jen that lost sixteen years to space-time fold in on itself. Yes it would do. It'll be like inception. That's why they only go for every seven years. 'cause stays safety. Yeah exactly. it's for safety for the world me. How'd you know these things. Those millage saying retro is more style based is interesting. Isn't it with indeed developers in particular like we were talking about. We mentioned semester. That's all i think. My only came out last year. I could be reminding gave a full pixel type stuff. You know it's ask basically if you showed it to someone who doesn't know video games they would say that some retro game based on the presence of it if somebody says somebody says rotary styling you instantly think of eight and sixteen bit you. Don't think of them. The very earliest. Like three d polygons. Yeah think of the today. I mean for me a stretch. I'd probably think of. You know the clunky. Three d models. Mario sixty four and the very first racer. You know the really block talking blurry type that soul of sits in my mind it kind of goes back to your point. Bright way you talked about three sixty three potentially on the cuss. That's the airing into that way but interesting. The of those games still modern. Hd they run a decent free rate. You can shove them in on. The xbox for example goes back to the original xbox even but just recently i played in all three sixty game because of the way up scales and stuff fly. It felt like a modern gas. It was strange. Kinda makes you think. Actually it's not true game is it because it's just running on my state of the art machine with auto. Hdr this is says subjective. Because that ten year old in two thousand six playing motor storm rejoices seven for the first time on on that brand. New peachtree is now twenty four years old and twenty four. Tell me about it. And they've been wonderful memories of playing their first-ever. Ps three you may with acorn electron and ps. Three expensive wasn't a weight. Loss mine was a birthday slash. Christmas present from my mom got one on. I always everything on launch the. Ps three on launch. And i was quite as more into sony about things. I love the. Ps one of the ps two. I must've pretty it within about a month of the. Ps three thinking is cost me money. Yeah three these games. Sixty at the time and thought. Yeah okay get its playstation three. So it wasn't enough to stop me from from from playing xbox at the time and then went to sony kind of hard core. Because i got the red ring at that i think. That's the generation that kinda switched me a bit. 'cause i was always more playstation xbox so of afterwards i liked it some of the exclusives didn't love it but then the three sixty was already out here in the uk. 00:50:05 - 00:55:03 Ps three landed. A god. i was a bit like the ended up. Buying a three sixty played a lot more things that was mole because of the time difference between the xbox and playstation be released partly of the three sixty years out longer. Have more stuff on. Yeah the pad was horrible because it didn't even have stewart's favorite rumble in it a glorious by the game's just didn't really impress me that much. Because it was all salak texture and everything was always the most powerful thing ever but then they made is so difficult. Code for that really. You didn't see the fruit from that. Until muchly in the generation. Where did you know pick up again arguably you could say. It wasn't roy up until the the ps four released. That was when you saw the best out of the ps three. Yeah yeah didn't even because normally you get you peak and then people still managed to squeeze a little bit out but three. I think we ever saw the full potential. 'cause they made it a bit too complicated but you can go back to price point around retro. You could go back to the. Ps three played the last of us. Probably the last big game on the ps three. And it looks like a in game because it looks amazing. The last us. yeah. I think only looks. It looks worse now simply because we've had to which looks even better. Yeah but the up. You wouldn't think of as a retro game. I know we're not quite there yet. By the fifteen year definition. But we're saying the ps three is verging on retro. Yeah and to me is is a retro console. Don't get me wrong. Because i kind of look at it is strictly the generations but the thinking of the last of us j. five which joking about earlier red dead redemption all. These james gives a wall based on the visuals. You call her to justify it's an interesting. I mean a lot still supporting it. Bad which bs three. Yes on japan. They're still supporting the. Ps two up until twenty eighteen. The three i think when a bit quicker. I'm not sure why i mean. Last year they released just dance for the we. So who knows who knows ubisoft. Using internet explorer to account what the current generation is still using netscape. Say it's an interesting thought with if you think about the style the style of game. Yeah you can show someone a gay made this year and they go last retro because it will be pixeleted realistically select. Wouldn't work on. Its knees because it's a much more advanced version of the classic rituals evokes my era. Yeah most of us is i. Don last of us is at least seven years old. Maybe twelve thirteen was it. Twenty seven years old. I was twenty four twenty fifteen twenty seven eight twenty forty six yet twenty four. It looks relatively modern their games. That come out worse than that follows foster post. My twitter is retro. I'd be comfortable putting. ps two. And now i wouldn't be comfortable putting three that basically a think as well as technological advances in games towards an oversea. You've you've got motion capture as well about come along way at a new all. That was a. Ps three game. Wasn't it look united. That was revolutionary in terms of in that was released in two thousand and eleven but it was revolutionary in the way that it did to facial expressions and things a lot and and things a lot. And you take. Yeah you never really. On the ps two. I'm trying to some good-looking. Ps two games. I was just looking at late generation. Ps two games. I've just just grabbed an osco. He protein you've got you've got bullied game and persona four or she. 00:55:03 - 01:00:10 Gummy ten sipe sony. Four which is of stylized different. The bods tale. That was a pretty good-looking game time. Manhunt two controversial. I seem to remember that. Also hit the the we did. Yeah they're many places but you could physically motion to them and the godfather game i think did not get a remake recently. Mafia did maybe the godfather recent thing it did go into. Ps three possibly full spectrum warrior. That was a pretty good looking aim at the time. Greg game devil may cry three. Nows pre goods that holds. I'm not seen it recently. The remake treatment remastered treatments. Well yes they did a collection and the variable in a sore point the next one for me splinter cell chaos theory another game that is needs a sequel please and got to walk to the war games all pretty good. There are some a few more on big games. Member black lime. I'd some clever stuff with like the field. Yeah seemed a little bit ahead of. Ps two. i think it would have been good next generation game. Yeah yeah a little bit towards dylan's yet guitar hero as well guitar hero in three i think was still. Ps two people clamoring for a black remastered on they. All i just everywhere you know if you look at the most requested remote austin game. I'm pretty sure that block is like up there. I think he's on. Ea play collecting. Be not sure gone. That kind of stuff is on a place play on the series pc. So i bet it's still a like you say it's probably still a good-looking game because i was pretty impressive at the time. With with some of the visuals in attorney remember much about of them playing going. This is nice. it's an interesting thought. When you think about the visuals says defining retro. Yeah so you'd say bright black. Which was ps two retro. You can out now by definition full featured probably saying something little lies in this way ahead of his times thing whether it's time it's retro. Yeah really confusing tweet. Like why mean disclaimer. On the tweets. All now so you know love cibo. Maybe maybe that could urine orange faced liar in capital official facts. But yeah. it's definitely an interesting argument when it comes to stuff because there's obviously as we've found out everybody's got their own opinion as to as what it would ease saturday valid as well. Well this is it. This is boring comes in. I'd like to query stews original definition because your definition was if it use a disk base medium you don't define it as retro personally now a retro to me is more of sixty four backwards said from day. Space medium is all digital light. The new console. You've just bought for ms mean dispaced medium. You're saying is now an old tied performance because you can still use may be. My discs is still in use different kinds to shop. So i'm still no no no no no no no no no. I've still state disk on my on my inside my playstation so so they're lazy ninety three nine three eight three will that's different. 01:00:13 - 01:05:21 That's traditional starship. Lipsey busted you love your definitions of retro asthma right. They weren't anyway cost element of definition. Yes i do appreciate you still use. There's no denying blu rays hd dvd's the actual games even but you know five or six years. Is that many gyms so we're going to be about because it's shrinking. United states doesn't really exist in five ten years ago six years when we do talks episode. Seven hundred sixty three retro retrospective. Then we can have this discussion. It's on the cusp. Nothing coming. I feel it literature. The beyond i thought would have by spicy. I guess bonds help to fiber help. The donald games i think some countries as well like america you imagine has the best internet in the world. Apparently it doesn't really dreadful internet last year. In a city a lot of people not option to go digital. It's just. I feel like counselors on time for the little. While is about time the caught up with disc will put them in their place with the xbox one. I thought we would go down. Go law did is they. They wanted to take people there kicking and screaming whereas what they've now done is slowly changed. Mas no what was looking say. They definitely message that wrong. So as a final thaw a couple of comments in the which chats coggins has said if you ask most people who walk into my section of the store they always say why do people still buy. Cd's and dvd's and is a good point. This are starting to be viewed as old fashioned because everything can be downloaded or streamed which is a valid point. Both see that's held back by program speeds and stuff like that so if you you you can't download and stream two cd player in the call oversee you can be a better economic pod bluetooth you find and streaming see my man. Doesn't that go up. people like me. Who like something tangible for the money like to have my collection display my show. I would rather take despite game over digital any day of the week. Like to have that to hold. And if i want it can. Then go used downside. I've had with pc gaming. If i bought. I know stephen recently if you buy via steam cognitive refund if you don't pay no more than two hours but if i bought a game i no longer want a safe cds while i've just spent thirty quid all our cognitive negative. I'm things that we me. I've got it beat out of me almost lost so many years. I've just kinda give going south. My fate option for people were fiscal media. Yes then kevin and jazz. All we in danger of losing law of secondhand shops by going digital. I think there will always sally. There will always be second specialist shops because you can still go and get finals and books even in we've got e read as an mp threes so and spotify or whatever else is on the horizon but it's a very very distant horizon. The demand may increase because as physical media is faced out. That's going to be collected wanting to give a hands on while they can't get any more that's not produced any longer to the maybe an increase of the second hand market. Where you know you can get these things that you can no longer obtain. Cook two ways. You and i think we're also deeper into a generation of inca kids into it like you know we've even talked about line on people trying to get their kids into gaming because their parents got into gaming and it's now getting to second third generation of of people gaming and that means you go let me show you used to play. 01:05:22 - 01:10:04 Ups rather than you as is an expert. So you're three sixties rather than you mega drive's isn't it. Because it's kind of about cycle gave you seven year old nephew ninja guidance. As good luck might try by fire and then budget joined the cia said well new consoles and then he's agreed with you brought say that they're all about the tangible stuff and then yeah and then killeen is also kind of agreements. An offense did show games. The i'm the same books hard copies. Please visit method to my gunned down the giogio route. I mean i don't buy games very often purely because of what we do here. I remember the last game. Went actually bought fowler nominee valhalla. Ps four and xbox. You can pick up the thirty quitted moment on the cheapest places forty eight pound. Yep like pay. And that's why i'm still kind of weird limbo and i would just rather spend the least amount of money. Cool game shed. So yeah this will be probably semi similar. That sony and microsoft. You may see two one store rocket dumpsite clean apparently by gains anymore. She partisan oh yes. We need to go to war back. Hurry up and finish it. Thank you for dropping the follow to us to answer budget in astound. Become both of them. Yeah j. the new consoles. I have the white console shoe has no consoles. Switch was last time you switched down and sixty three not two months. Yeah scott. I'm unsafely stored in the cupboard next to my many many copies of motor dusted every week. You something that's a shame. Shame sh- i mean how we all crossing the though way down hill quite fast. This is before your time Black some we have digital games. Concentrate on the i. I think that's like say. I'm more cheapest options. So i've got mixed truth digital and physical on the switches. Well has a sale. I'll get something digital discussing time. We says we come to a close of the talks episode. Twenty eight retro podcast. All that's left to say really is to listen to this on your podcasting apps. Thank you for listening. We'd love to know what you think as well if you're listening to this What your ideas of richarson seeks out on twitter. We'll thumb undisclosed culture if you're in the channel twitch please please please come and join the thumb coach. Hang out is the place to be when you get to all of these guys on a regular basis and then ceased you just completely dismiss anything that we tell you about consoles. What was the latest one about consoles. 'tatoes sent me screenshots. All the x ray tracing on your pc. That'd be great really wanted to. I could have printed over. There have been some stuff. All i know about you but i have his office on. 01:10:04 - 01:12:40 Sign my case but yeah please please come join us. The discord is grays disease. There's a lot of different personalities in there and generally can find us all talking about games which is always good food. Food food games is always coming in january you are looking for those gloom fashioning a pay check note. Come on can be. I'm going to be the same as you when you talk. Gluten free stuff as you all when we to console stuff. Kryptonite isn't it. Yeah i mean i mean. My wife asked have gluten free food. So i showed robber. Exciting me the article. You postage you about gluten free and half ass. What were they taste. Crop sugar. free stuff tastes good. Some of it's generally who owns i. you know. nab you see the full the ones but anyway we divulge we come into not to cost now and thank you once tap. Come on tab member tab tab clear now. He wakes up key on a piece. Yeah i remember. Remember that prescreen. Thank you very much for joining us in the chance. Which thank you very much for joining us and keeping us entertained this evening we have been some coacher the gaming websites i please drop into the discord dropping. Our website also also also check sound twitter as well and that's why you can see a lot more content But all this left for me say is thank you for spending this evening with us. We will hopefully see you again next tuesday when we were talking about something that we will be decided on tuesday morning pretty much. I mean tuesday by three o'clock. We've got it down and usually just as we're about to hit live it's fine. I mean yeah who knows better. Take easy take and it's goodbye from me.