TC Talks EP25 Catchup 00:03:58 - 00:05:01 Hello Oh. My word I am massive on the screen. Panic not taking over the whole screen good evening ladies and gentlemen. Let me reset down for you. That was. That was huge. Dude delete you. Guys welcome along T- talks is good to be back. It's been a little Watson's I've been on or feels like it's been awhile since I've been on one of podcast. BITs. Yes J.. We've got an empty box. I think we should I think we should. Was the would confront the elephant in the room or the elephant in the room. The just the three of us this week. The apologize unreservedly that you get to our faces. Issue listen on any podcast medium which you hear voices. Well, this is it. Yeah. If you if you are a podcast medium. Whoever You you're not going to care because quite frankly. 00:05:03 - 00:10:03 You will. You will just. Hear the three of US talking and you might be worried about the full person in the goal. I think we should have a black white. Candle Gif. We should have shown me I mean I mean Arkansas. The out I just feel that that'd be wasted time but guys, we are here for talks. To Talk TC. and. Is a very interesting time at some culture headquarters currently. He's been an interesting week when it comes to gaming. Going he's. Not. Even going to talk to you about what he's been playing this week because I feel I. I will tell you he has been playing world of warcraft. Yup. Does it like like. Modern. He has literally just been playing. Waterfall craft. So Jay, we buy anything nothing something. Lots. Lots interested a big charity event that we can be gaming charity event. Of. Particular note I finished ratchet and clank ready for the one on the playstation fall. I completed mine craft dungeons, jains, which are playing the wife not really fun. multiplayer. Light Die Abloh. Game Not. Really financially. We're GONNA WE'RE GONNA look at grabby and I think there's like a ten pound. Deal CPAC has loads more stuff in it. So we're tempted to crop up the making is. One of our favorite systems gang pots. Game Pas oh yes. E Four as well which they don't not being happy about. God. I feel like we might have to dive into this. Disappoint. I. Saw twitter going on EA play come November. Go. Lovely accent jest xbox, not pc until December I truly don't know day you literally couldn't be more Welsh than by the way. I mean I know that's like in A. of Yes because you know you you Welsh. When I get angry I gave my well, she's. Yeah. So I was I was not pleased the gate. To be a bit disappointed with that. But. On. The PC so I'm not missing out. Focus is the launch is the. Just focusing on that, but then all of the. Even playing field again aspirants. Same date ten. November. Ask. December. They all doing for people who own EA play they're allowing you to train your. Membership on a three to one ratio. So. Yes if you have three months of a play giving you one month, of game pass alternate. Because he plays any like I could be wrong but it's twenty pounds a year isn't it whereas? Technically. Ten quid a month or wherever says. Three nine, a month, three, nine, hundred. Premium is nine, hundred, ninety, nine, I think. I think he's a bit more think or am I thinking. Karma to. San I paid like eight hundred pound year for the pregnant. Yeah. So, but still though that's pretty good for traded, you know you don't know redesign basically most companies that. Tend to lose out don't you and they did the same when? Game Hassle to Matthias came about FA console. That includes xbox gold the. Yes must live gold and then they did a similar where just saw the converted and you didn't have to worry so. They do tend to be quite fad with it. Some fast if they do which they need. So out think on that side, they tend to be pretty good. I think that's the thing is is, is day obviously coming across as being this fair company who are willing to help how everybody make the transition? They still have some bad stuff. Oh Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Doesn't. A. Muses me because there was all these rumors and all this. Is probably more fans speculation. 00:10:03 - 00:15:03 The Room is GonNa get rid of the paid to play multiplayer xbox live element. Kind of just GONNA get wrapped up and kind of forgotten about. But they didn't, which is fine. You know. It's there. I don't think many people have a problem with that. You still need that play free games. Free Games that sitting. There are fewer free. Yeah I mean there are they're exceptions but as That make. Lag Division, go hey, you can have was aimed for free. And People Oh goody goody. I'm going to turn this game out for free but don't forget. You still need to pay your subscription to online mine rubbish busters. Nelson's isn't it? Yeah. He's. He's really is the is. If the game Sri to play. People All the people by the skins and all that and. Take whatever that. Ten twenty thirty percent libraries they take on. The Ten, twenty, nine T. Nine and ten. Division now in. God's Time it doesn't even be thinking about that kind of thing. Would not be good. So. But yeah, she. See. We we know. Yeah, we'll. We'll cough back and too many for the the new expansion shadowlands. Few. Members also go back into it as well. So kind of middle guild. Good level and mellow character. Yeah that's all I. Basically play by been deputy to it's one of those games. If I got four minutes, you can do stuff. Going to food to do whatever it's not too bad to pick up renewable. Sit Down for. Hours. Go live longer than five minutes. You call it down for hours. This is coming from the person leveled up like sixty levels in the last week. Know how difficult by how difficult it is to level up in World War Cross I've only just start it and then I think I'm like level ten. But your light level eighty, and if it gets the same as how you would normally normally level up video game obviously gets progressively more difficult. No the way I been dude it is. It's a little basically only done quests to lower fifteen. Since level fifteen, eighty, six, be dungeon running. By Dungeon Running Lucky Powell some one hundred runs I can get five levels in. Pens are go to other people. To basically just. mooching off everybody else. Along I kept. Because I'm a healer nobody complains. Give you mentioned something that the random vote listening conjoined. Yeah. Coming to discount go allow channel dedicated little white town we discussed. But but yeah. Apology. TC team said up and yeah we we are building towards an expansion. Dungeons and and stuff hopefully as ill that's our plan. Yes anybody listened come and join us. Listen of a game where like The whole nine, ninety, nine, a month thing. Yeah. It is. It's hard to justify if especially if you're new to it. Always, was the right at the beginning. So I know how addicting and I know I'll get my ten pounds worth if if if again new to it It might be especially nowadays with all the other Games you got to play on graphically don't look at that give graphic against. On I'm actually not overly disappointed with the graphics. By. Okay dial avait, which it's Kinda helps it. Does the dislike, thirteen years old or some than. Two thousand, four, November, two, thousand, four. Play. A little while I have taken a few years off. But it's just one of those games. So, hoped Jay these forgetting about the reviews east called to riot I. Know I know what of my biggest prop Schalken world of warcraft? Is that we warcraft fall. Always. 00:15:03 - 00:20:02 Always. When World War warcraft came out. It was a kind of to me in all choice because Diablo see mike the. Batta choice for the An. Offer coffers and art. Yes. And then it became in. which was a bit we put the store I. Guess if the story because the story is I, mean the warcraft stories of Berlin. Wall craft threes. Really good. Yes. Even if it is just the exact same story stock cropped, but it's really good and and there's a lot of characters on law there that it does make sense for an and. I would like warcraft four please but sits. Yeah. So Blizzard, we love your A. Game. Load us recall the game pass. So give us. It will. Because, Jay wants it. and. Here it some culture we give. Is What they ask for Fun to see anyway to make sure that they do. That's how. They do that. Yeah Bob from I often try and give him what he wants but. Often, what he wants is were. Ever written just turns out to be talking about world of warcraft matter what it is. Much, lunch. Just give for. Jason's screen. By the way if you can't say. The old. There is. As Jas. Jason to. Moscow. I'm doing. I I did a picture to something. Walls live streaming eggs. Doing some pokemon streams of late various forms of data and. I just had a gap on my scene I didn't like. So he's picture a P Q dance. Bomb left on your passing. Yeah. Why not because? When I fell asleep watching. You know. It was just more because I just finished my night shift what have you in? A letdown. How'd you on a Ma Ipad next to me mom round it. Just drifted off listening to you. Running around the. Hotel. Long time ago. Can Imagine how much? But yeah. So anyway, let's let's let's check out some. News. For the listeners. It's been A. Couple of weeks really. Yeah. You. Breaking News. The rap legend himself at here's passed way. Yeah sometimes. Tense. But let's move on to a happier news to. Go I this week And? GOING GONNA say I don't go much hoppy news. Little Tidbit I just saw look just before we start the scream activision blizzard. Closed a France office. which is quite interested, right? Swim Bloom Bloomberg. Bloomberg. Bloomberg I to know how good they are. They be actually slated these something they published quite what was it wasn't at these shortage of PS five. Room without was flying around. chipset rumor thing. Yeah they had some inside report. Some also need tonight it. They didn't deny all of it. They did. Of It so I'm sure there's some truth that some wet to be fed to believe. To be. Pretty good. I. Read in this basically. Yeah. They just downsizing operations abroad. Bringing some jobs back to the US on into London office as well. So. Yeah. Saad people lose me jaws for activision blizzard from me in my wild days. France used to be the place that support take shoes witty used to go to. The stylistic field our. 00:20:04 - 00:25:09 I think the thing with. Bloomberg. Is Obviously you question their? Sources. Yes. I think that's the thing you have to question their sources to see where they're actually getting all of their information from. Because, they they must have so many different sources to go through into to listen to everything. The some some of the stories that they get fed must be absolute. Tauch. Yes. Yeah basically. Yeah. You you'd imagine nate have to have some element of confidence for them to write about it. Yeah but also at the same time, would you know if someone came to you? Oh, I've heard from an insider that these playstations run hall. Yeah this chipset. Jerry. Example, they had about five or six people that they knew. That they can't do. That told them this information so they were trusted sources to them. And they must have so many sources. You don't know where the sources guests. From his well, it's I think he's wally ways. I never lied to believe anything unless it comes direct from. The. Modify. Certain leaks that you can see. That's genuine. Yeah I. Love the time saying Games get leaked and you think it has to be real because there's no way some fan as made this entire. Slight Supposedly. Things. Up to your. Thing on. The. Other one For video this year. Yeah. Cards just a few problems. Yeah. The older ones are actually a pound are good to go was founded additions on anything me by. Fifth. Daughter. I think celebrities attack. They've released. Released a new law they. So, why? Do with cheap cheap. Cheap transistors capacities. Was One of the other. WAY AS ACIS USES A. Very specific type tougher. Yep seems to UFC. Strikes and stuff like premium cars use them, and they are actually reading better than pounders, which is good. That's kind of what you're on. Only next best is found all the ones like. Zoo talk or the other guys. So many hours. Yeah. Request is slamming amount on all of. Them. Yeah well, today acknowledges said that basically, UNC missile of Christmas by the looks at the city he's all three, thousand, nine hundred. Seventy looking with US been delayed as well. Wasn't it the seventies? November. Was it today's yeah. They're supposed to be the twenty fourth Toba to now they can put back until I middle of November so. Needless to sound feeding pretty good about my decision, not to get involved in the preorder. Yes. Good time pogos. You must wait 'til maybe eastern. On I'm just I'm going to wait until my starts like. Running everything full anyway. The. Rather little bit but. I've caught twenty. You're going to twenty eight days. Finding you're running on the ten series. Yeah. Exactly. Do? You WanNa. Say the thing if I was on the. Ten seventy I used to hop. I'd probably be a bit more like urn lost get one. I'm literally Amona Twenty Eighty and it runs anything I throw. Bailey goes above like fifty percent utilization up Paul from if I play flights him. Flight SIPC The. Exactly. So it's the risk of being an early adopter though, isn't it? I think anyone. Willing to preorder any form of technology not just. For gaming ever any form of technology. You know as a consumer, you run the risk that. This is the first batch. Of problems and you see you don't want to have. And Say, I think I've more or less preloaded most of my things I own and very rarely if I had any chew but yeah, it's kind of the gamble you take until things settle down in the manufacturing process the and oversee things get refined as well. 00:25:09 - 00:30:01 Dined. Nice. To the to the playstation five in. Ceiling. Ordered I've got the xbox audit the phone I. got this year. You know everything. That he won as always in the back of my mind the. Will have got this new xbox. What if there's an issue that they've discovered one of the chips? Yeah it's. Just kind of. It, but you know the latest is with regards to the pay station five that it runs quiet and it runs cold. You know apparently super quiet. We'll wait and see until college comes out. I think both machines of being praised by the people that have hands on the being. And running well so it does bode well, the question I have is the very. Hands on the. been doing with it because it was very, very weirdly controlled. Yeah that's it. But said, we'll see two K. has retained hydrate. Few Drinks. I do voice only unfortunately, peak is losing his hydration. Houses crossing over. Can drink some. Drinks. Success. The PS five released thing is is very strange. Turns on with Jeff Kylie. and. The really hands on with the jewel sentence as such is just basically him demoing. Astros. Thing you get a feeling the enormity. Upset the same it feels like. They weren't necessarily planning on releasing the console this year until xbox said last year. The new XBOX, they've kind of to adapt to the situation because they are competitors at the end. But it feels like if you look the the embargoed stuff as part of the. A bunch of Japanese Youtube as access to the playstation. They weren't allowed to take the protective film off it. They weren't allowed to anything. Anything near its take photos. Except for the control they compare. Tan or anything next to you. Ideas, they showed off. And an interesting selection of gangs are up on launch games, but they spider man demon souls or anything like that A. Lie, they want shown the UI of. They were literally just it was already in a game when when they see it. So it was very. Very restricted I perceive I mean so silly stuff like it's got. A glossy plastic. Block part to it, and they probably just didn't want fingerprints on it for any photos. Just you. I probably didn't want the united. They would do the whole debacle about the. The hard drive space. That's probably why didn't want. To be did, but then you look in the opposite camp, say they competing with Xbox of calls Mike Soft. Just sending people xbox go they go. Yeah. There are certain things embargoed like they are on a preview build of the O. S. that. Certain Games they're allowed to play those. To. See the OS on. Windows insiders. XBOX ONE OF THEM was going to be like anyway. So. There are a few secrets apparently the. This I. Think it's any basic stuff like econ really have animated backgrounds at the moment because eats to your ram whereas on the new on you can little things like that nothing it's excellent in. Those things I think is still kinda see Kerr but ultimately, yeah, you can. You can see the Os you can see people running games. You can see they literally have sent these two people's homes. Yary uncontrolled except for that, that drip feeding the software they're allowed access to, but it's like. It's just night and day between the two approaches. Mitch. Is. Next month they're both our. This is. 00:30:01 - 00:35:02 Really know what I mean. I'm getting a PS five. To me, I'll of entertainment out I'll be happy of an ice machine plays these games. That's the primary thing. Don't get me wrong. I'm spending four, hundred and fifty, and it would be kind of Nice to see what else. Be Nice tonight what you gang for your money instead of this great big machine. Is really the currency, but you know the moment is big Mojo is big machine and I can play demon souls spider-man on it. Yeah Yeah. It's good. I'm I'm looking forward to those. But it would be nice to know what else I'm. Yeah, exactly. Velocity in the has. In addition to what we say has said, he's destroyed each very because different release times now. Basically said about xbox gain an MBA twenty, one, two days early I think that's more to do with the fact that the release dates. For the. Consoles. History. Because, we get a weekly I was gonNA say yeah, they're they're included in the the first run of console releases on me. And they said it's some games coming to piss coming on a PS four people will get to play them on pass five. Yeah I think that's one of the issues when you you releasing games across so many different platforms. I saw an email today about the trailer for NBA. Two K. Fifteen K. Fifteen to twenty one on the playstation five. I. Don't know how I got. Ta. Make Up. Yeah. I just went back in time from the. They actually built the NBA K. Engine from scratch. Yeah. Again for for the next generation. It's not. A brand new game really has the same thing. Yeah. Yeah exactly. So that that's pretty. Good on. Stephen Curry on the on email did look very good and. It's really nice. Looking. It looks nice if you polls it. But the enemy still. Used they used use animations from like. Yes. The but just gone yet but you can see all of the sweat. Lights. But yeah, there's some there's some games coming for oversee spiderman? Looks Fantastic. Even the master slash remake of the old spiderman. Obviously Taking, out the face change. It. He Amin I'd I didn't get the the thought process behind bought. Some games that look look great L. be interesting. See Rod jank inaction. As opposed to just on a youtube video. And then an I'm I'm intrigued by destruction all-stars. Wasn't till I saw the price. Is probably a full price? Isn't it? It's seventy. Yeah. But you know. I'll see you know. repealed. Well yeah, that's it. ICON say I'll spend time in Astros. Bar Rescuers could. I'll spend enough time in as it takes to download and install. The whatever over Games, I? Really. A week before the playstation five is released to. XBOX series S. Which? Is the DIA Xbox I'm I'm really looking forward to getting it. I have to admit I'm I'm really looking forward to seeing how A Performs in comparison to like a one X. Yeah Yeah I think Again judging by all the reactions to the Yes st and things I is seems like. It's Nippy. Loading some games up in seconds and things, which is impressive. Yeah Saas kind of what the? This new generations main thing as ways. You into the action quicker yeah. One of the things that I like on the Xbox side is. Their introducing. Pre. Downloading Games you don't own. So if you're thinking about getting some games on launch. Fat You. Undecided or maybe a waiting for them to gain pass or something like Bob. You can pre installed them even though you don't own the almost like when you `priority you can download you don't have to be the. 00:35:03 - 00:40:03 So you can. Like mediums. One of the Games hitting spots I'm quite looking forward to. Potentially I downloaded now. So when the xbox lands after wait for hours download it's just there. So, it's kind of pre install stuff own. which is. NEAT. Yeah, yeah. Kind of call INS. From from the. From from Jay's family of followers as post, the of money is to be spent games now and they want to make a profit. But when we as consumers thought to decide when games again too expensive seventy pounds of new game is real expensive. Think you're going to ever come across anybody that goes. Was Been. Seventy. I. I have less of an issue I've said this before I probably have less of an issue. That was the whole game. Yet, included like a season pass type thing so that. You can have free. Versions Yeah Yeah. But if he paid seventy quit for SAY WATCHDOG LEGIONS And you call all future DLC guaranteed. And the only difference in the other versions was like A. Like a figurine or a book. Yeah Yeah, you'RE BLURRY BY THE WAY J. Just. rather than it being like you know by this version and you get X. amount of stalling points and so much X. P. and this special weapon as Opie and things that I think was simply pound for the game, and then if you wanted to get the collapses Decem with steel book. All Manual, a pin badge or whatever thing. Great but it's never going to be that way. I mean is about. So we had a significant increase in in game prices. Doesn't mean I don't think seventy pounds is expensive. All three of us are in a fortunate position where. I, J you spend money on games. I don't often spend a lot of money on games anymore because of during this review site. I'm hoping that that continues through the playstation five and expect series s and series x for those again. Yeah. Yeah. I think you're right that. Okay Yeah we've had the price increasing games in X. amount of. Time. Again. But that all of these companies are off. So constantly reporting record me. From developers of these suits massive bonuses so it's not like also is struggling struggling. Seven quit ball. activision haven't sold any cooler. You got to put the game prices up to seventy quid. I it's it's I think as an excuse from the. Big Publishers to say more games have gone up in central London and. Expensive to make. Accept they haven't gone up in their expensive to me but. Around the piles of money. I mean the thing is the amount of lawsuits and things are coming out now I mean obviously the the profits and stuff on going to be is high. Lawyers Yeah. Exactly I. Think it'd be interesting turns of of game costs. How they drop in sales? By all, we see like seventy pound for a new game and then like fifty percents cops. For CEOS or is it going to be like remember when you always used to see that you know? This game boy nine in a sale for nine, ninety eight. Kind of stupidity. For. Kind of perspective. How does how does this pricing? Seen to you I've seen over the last. Three, four years an increase in game pices anyway. Retail about thirty forty. She say I was GONNA. Say I never used to see a PC game above the equator for new release not not often. And I'm talking like. You get your which switcheroo about thirty, five, thirty, seven but most games around about thirty power. I've always out of ood normal pound because last few years before used to be thirty pound the lost certainly. Lost two years. Three years I mean, for example, if you st now there with. 00:40:04 - 00:45:00 Fifty, four, ninety, nine. silly. Jay's. Popped out of his head. Then Martin. Oh again like if you look around, I guess this is where the comes in with. Sites like CD keys or those we salad you can find stuff cheap if he wanted. Yeah. But you also have to think as well. The PC online gaming is free. Ya. So you know. It's not really. Enticing people to spend the money on a PC because I think the problem when you look at. Looking at. And you can PC games. And you're trying to convince someone to buy the main thing is that will cost so much what grade and it was always the counterargument that yet but games are so much cheaper. Now that counterargument is no longer there. On Scorpio or Scorpion and I was going to mention this earlier. The alphone early access of all three came out last forty, nine, nine, thousand, nine, hundred, early access. Craig save is about eighty Canadian dollars on. act. Fans going GonNa, pay it on always gonNA pay the money. If they are Hawk funds, they will pay I understand up the. Phone. Especially for access game eighty Canadian dollars is any forty six quip. So he's saving money there we'll see. S GET CRAIG A couple of copies. Change our. Steam location to. Ca Canada. The thing with peace in your blurry. Keep Rolling back the the thing they pc is. Games when they went digital. They went cheap. Yes, which is the whole point of digital that was the whole. Reason esteem and like you say, steer his blood our into all these different guests places, you can buy games. Consoles still have the horrible. Systems. Software so you can go this game seventy hundred. Cope, digital. Share with epic store. For example, that exclusives are two they launch and you can't even get them on CD keys and stuff. So you can see little snippet of it being similar to wall console on now where they are a little ecosystem almost. The console ecosystem is horrendous though. If you obviously either. I'm going digital only in the next generation in this. In this thing, I'm go digital only playstation ordered up got my digital only xbox series ass and you know what my digital only PC. But I know full. Well, I'M GONNA pay over and above for my playstation games in particular the difference is obviously they've. Sony confirmed that game sharing in console accounts and stuff still operate in the same way they have playstation four. So whereas yet it may cost me currently may cost me sixty pounds for digital. Game. Actually only thirty pounds to myself and the person who I share with. Yeah toss the DASA. Good thing. Especially, if you've got a mate also game in, you could split the cost. Yes. xbox Dude I seen. Similar. A PC as well or was it just all the console I'm not sure about pc but certainly on the xbox, it works exactly the same between Sony and xbox without you just. You might set one to be your home one am not CNA vice versa. So any games they buy a renewal in any games, you buy back you and it makes just treat as one catalog of games. xbox I think has a slight difference because it has the family. As, well. Yes. For PC? Win if it works the same. Thing, he's I don't know. I think for example if if. My wife looks in. To either xbox all the PC or whatever. She says everything because I'm the one we gain pass and things like that. I think it's add up to the family I. Guess. Yeah. So it has the extra bit that Sony doesn't have. To move the xbox being than just the console these days. should been endo she trucked into the Chat Hayden or come into. Talks catch up playstation. 00:45:00 - 00:50:00 Kind of have a similar one in terms the if my cozy my friends console, my friend's account is as my primary console satanically that's my home console so I can share his playstation plus. Across any account a my. Gang. So and the Games are all shed obviously in the same kind of way. So I think yeah. They do. They do operate in pretty similar. Ways. Obviously, that will hopefully carry on with the next generation of consoles which will help bring those digital prices down. I mean, that's honest money. Sorry. My My xbox series essays a game boss machine. Basically. I'm not going to be buying any XBOX games to play on it because I'll play them on my PC. I mean, we don't need to sit this bianchi stay one. Stuff. Yes just reading today actually it's It's come from how ratings bodes have to publish wasps being rated and some people find games and stuff. Looks like the XBOX ARIES SO S&L ex? Getting a knock Kane Studios Bundle. So you get all the dishonest games. Wolfenstein and the pray games all with the well. Look judging by this rating bowl with some might next-gen ray tracing and all business lines bearing. Because my self dame cinemax now. In the process of buying them. Yeah just GONNA land on game passes and then you're. Come with seem that they were. GonNa come to game pass they. They might they might do what they've done with though do maternal. Goi- It is only for consoles owning xbox. Don't pee I. Don't. WanNa put the poor old Welsh. xbox and. Remember if you could use your keyboard a mouse on all game. If I could, if it went one hundred percent, every gave model is keeping us a copy by. C.. Should. Said dishonor too early man. and. Mounting designs as putting with fancy ray tracing. This. Is like a specifically an upgraded. To be on. No might just patch into the other ones anyway to be. Yeah. Just like an ultra textures. Just because they usually just patch it to be fed, but it does show that they're committed to. The Games Fester Powell and yeah they're almost just joining them. They're actually looking at maybe developing them slightly and giving them a few bells and whistles. Because my understanding and I could be wrong. But my understanding is while games like dishonored have always been highly rated them. Praise. They've never done particularly well. Now. Breaking records or anything. I. Mean. In the chops, he never see you never see them at the top of the like. Charles of gaming and stuff they usually sort of Middle Road Wabi. So, the fountain they're willing to go. Well, let's touch these all love them on game pass. And let people it doesn't matter if they're in the chops they just. Do you. Well I think. Makes you wonder if they'll be a new sky. This is it the you never know It'll be another game that I'll probably buy across three different platforms and only go to the first village and then think not. I. Gain to it my my thing would be right and this great thing. is if they had like a option on game pass options to automatically download specific developers games. Thing, you can do that. You can keep up from the APP and stuff by. A yeah. Automatic. If you see a game from these people, download it or anything. Could low level thing. I think that's the APP is quite lacking in how you cannot. She saw through the Games they've got. By, to offset a yeah, then four or five generics of an. Giang Lybian should. You should. Venue. Shooter. Racing you almost WANNA be able to go ooh this is online PG. Games the next? One you. Choose. Your waist signs. You WanNA fill by length. And then you know fill a by. 00:50:01 - 00:55:02 Of cut you WANNA wear. Sorry exchange know jeans all. Yeah Yeah back in the day out of companies. Show. That you ain't sure. Jordan. Basically. So Stephanie. Improvement on that front just to make a bit more. Accessible and and you know if if this cal keeps growing, you're not really to see what's there that. This is it. This is. A. Big. Thing. Theory I mean. Games leave the fast stuff never does that lots always gonNA grow The Games don't leave very often in nine in comparison to what? Did. True To. His five games for you we'RE GONNA take off year. Like I saw game past eight, one week on and it was nothing for like three weeks or four weeks and then. Another week rolled around it was like one. A couple of weeks as. It's all these different deals game. Dishonest, to was due to leave it was announced to leave game parts. And then they bought them. To actually know going to buy them by keep it. Possible, he's economic. Well, yeah. That's a big stream. I realized I may have gone slightly green. Just to let you know. So, we just open the xbox on the PC in the background. And it's like massive on my screen. But Yeah I'm a little bit disappointed with this. Recent. The recent games I mean I haven't tried drake hello or Kathy rain a detective is born. May Slack. Yeah. I'm just trying to see if it says about any of leaving that was that was kind of what I was. Say Area. Jay's Blurry Pika you this is there's nothing wrong with the. Peach. Does how we feel because. Of a Welsh were there as well? Jewish because of how we feel about just being three of us. To A. Night in the woods hato three. The committee. Hughes to is. I Don Chuckle to myself today a monster energy drink today and it was one of the halo infinite ones. Can cure four year do boxes or something. Yeah. Okay. Well. We done I win. This is coming out but our energy drink. Because you can still redeem the codes. I think. Yeah, that when the game launches but clearly. Had some marketing written Any monster jump the gun there. slightly. But yeah. Is just been one of those weird weeks in terms of gaming news. And said Ri- The Beginning J. What actually is the playstation five capable of. No one will ever know. Exactly I don't think I see. No. Actually is released as well. I'm going to sit here on I'M GONNA I'm box. Allen Books on my desk and then I'll be. Okay Someone even pointed out online that. You issue me stuff is there. Because that's what you used to. Yeah so for example, they've not even announced whether it will have netflix just just as a random example. Yeah. Shoot me will because everything has netflix's on. Yeah. But then you remember when the switch came out and it didn't have net home. So then you. have. A simple stuff like that that you think well up the do that. I. Know. There's a Sean. Yes. It's like. Let's. Let's do this thing as well as is astro box thing gonNA come preloaded. Yes. So be all now already your. placeholder things that when you click on it, then activates download. I believe is a preloaded. Device things. Youtube that. When they dropped the album on everyone's iphones. On every device, I think. 00:55:02 - 01:00:04 It was somehow on. Like. Yeah. So that's going to be on. Now imagine you'll be able to install it. Because passing the I'll probably play I. liked the our the the extra. Yeah yeah it was quite good. and. Enjoy, and then go yet. That's fine. uninstalled it, and that's But. It's neat. Isn't it? Yeah. Exactly. Cooking's instead of interesting. The law ps four exclusive now come onto pc as well. How exclusive? Games in the future year but mean. Horizon has been out three years. Horizon has been out for threes. It's not like you came out on the same day onto pc I have no issues with the expos exclusives coming out. Onto a PC, it's a different, mark? Yeah. We've said this before. I think. It's hard to compare PC console because they're very difficult beasts aimed at. Very different. People. I think. Horizon well-stocked Song. And Death strandings on PC, I still cola playstation exclusive pass console exclusive isn't that. Way they've they've moved now they've saved. Almost. I'm being distracted. By his is to be an xbox exclusive and you've been married some PC. Just a different market really isn't it ask? Was the console wars. Isn't it? It's not the gaming wars. A. Should be since. Your. Fan Boy on this podcast. Yeah. Although he's got Jenny. The last time you tend to. The switch is. He had to turn A. Couple of weeks ago on, go it leak. Okay, fair enough low. Voss play and everything across progression with the esteems ago. Stuff it. Yeah Yeah. Does it run will on US rich? Red. which really I enjoyed it on switch. It is just not maybe just needs gave good. Yeah. A good. On the smaller screen. So pixelated. Because I'm not used pigs. But. It's a different. Way of looking at any Idaho. I. Was knowing US good on a Switzerland and was on my PC. Origin. Oh you're going to be. I'm ready bad and I see the difference. I feel that we're going to have to do a private matches royally evening. I'll. Be. something. Kosher. People. Do Really Enjoy Rocket League I'm just Absolutely love it. I have been taking to playing rookie, league. After I've been light playing. On Sunday I, think it was. I was playing a game Combo I was, and then I wanNA play rookie league. and. It's just so much fun. Is An. The day. He did yes. Yes. It did DOT game. Bizarrely. But yeah, it's It's been a good week. Good content as well. Come into the website and the SAM. A new video coming out on Thursday I'm hoping. is going to be a good one nice video review from our resident video review expert. Game on Scorpio. Some of my content may be invoked. Sneaky Geneva. Good game retain coming out this week to factually the Games out today. So I don't think I'll be. Spanked by saying. The survivalists. Team. which is a very game is very from. Very. The all going through some changes. Thumb culture. Nobody changes, could changes. And we've had some good good good hits and impressions on the old website. Google. So. Blessed. Traffic lasts. Twenty eight days I always find it. Funny. That is twenty eight days. I mean. Obviously it's four weeks as easy to like. A. Twenty days. Twenty eight days later. Kind of funny. But. Yeah. But I think that unless you have anything else that you desperately need to talk about. 01:00:06 - 01:05:04 Gaming relate, upset, by ailments. nope. She has many many ailments. IPHOTO avid -mergency dental works. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dripping everywhere, which is good. I'm sick. They. Get get this covert they wouldn't allow usually drills or needles. So they had to put a temporary filling on without anything is a little uncomfortable. But they got it on. Trial. That was interested to. Do they just throw a you from like distance They might as well her to. Safety just superglued a Lego brick in the amount. Of 'cause. Stud. It's just a little bit like. On our side. Okay. Thanks thanks. Some cement out of the garden and done it myself. But yeah. Yeah At least I'm done gardening this week. No I need invests trousers before an. Trousers, Jesus serious stuff. Putting up weeds. No actually took six trees. Number two more to go. She's bad hands I hasten to add. He's these crazy people. Just went and like grab damn ripped out ground roots and older you. Yep Split. The only way to do it? Yeah, exactly. So A. Genuine out. On pronounce my next a twitch series you have. Lovely. I always do I I enjoy the resident evil three make. Your. The also seem quite scary which. I am on cursory level I'm taking the rest of this week off streaming. But I am going to return possibly on Sunday with. Resident Evil Seven And I am going to Shit my pants. The game. I. Am not a fan of scary games in the slightest so as you can imagine. Is. Going to be real fun now. I'm one of those we desensitize to say nothing. Yeah. Yeah I mean I'd love to be lot. I'm always watched because you have no soul. Yes probably. Yeah your sold is dog. The night. To Black as the charcoal's hell. COBAIN's has. Apparently. J.. Cocaine's and. Often during the horror game play three. Is probably the biggest win of saying please call. To be seeing came in his name s account. COGGINS is one of them in Franken Pim's the other one and they play games and they both began. Be Prepared J. Because I think I might challenge for the. Did you see my Vr of insolation. You Know I. didn't even see the alien and I literally hid in a corner. But Anyway, guys thank you very much for joining us this evening. We we will, be. Getting our soon as we can and going across all of your counting APPs. And we were. Having. Fun. Zone outcasts on the last episode Derry, acknowledged the for the first one, all new at three dozens of his well. Next time it's. Zero from Amazon podcast. Great. Great Great Chisholm. But if you want to come and join our dischord, please feel free. Does. There we go. Just post tossed there. So good posted. Yeah you just joining US It's fun. We don't need that many. Accounts. We are also on twitter Fritz checks on to follow there, and if you want to know any information about the charity stuff that we do. 01:05:05 - 01:05:25 The link. Guys Streamed X. Handy. and. That's it. That's it. I'm done. No. Yet, we have been some kosher and we will see you again next time for another TC talks cost take it easy.