TC Talks Special EGX Digital Panel Cross platform 00:00:02 - 00:05:09 Hello and welcome to the Thumb Coacher EJ digital twenty, twenty panel on Cross play and what we think of it. Basically let me tell you a little bit about us. We are a game website. We primarily focus on reviews and we do dabble in news opinion pieces but reviews is where we generally we also have all of the social media twitter facebook instagram. Youtube, we also have a twitch channel and we are. On your screens now, I as a great achievement, really and a great honor to be asked by the team to a host this panel on course play. Who you're seeing on top of in screens at the moment is roughly around a third of the team that we have some coach myself shoe bomber, you can see all of our. Twitter handles if you to find us on twitter. Apart from Jason Down in the bottom of your screens who who doesn't use to. He's awesome coaches twitter So let me introduce everybody that is with me this evening to my right or left or whichever way depending on how it's come out on the recording is another Stu or Darth vader six UK on Twitter Stu, how you doing buddy Do. Very Good Stu, how you doing I'm very good. I'm excited for this I'm excited. To so down in the bottom left on your screens, we have Jay or m designs you k the Man Mountain himself, J Hayden. Thank you very much. And then bought them. Right is my second in command on Coacher he is the one main person I go to when I need to brand about one of the other two corners of the screen Jason Hey buddy. North of keeping quiet. Yes sorry I shouldn't really set that but we're on your screens to talk about today is cross play. We, all have different varied consoles and different gaming histories. But one thing that does combine us as our love of games and we all have different thoughts and and everything about cross play and we want to talk about it, and we'll see if we can solve instigate some kind of conversation out there in the twitter sphere on twitch wherever this is going out and I mean I'll stop first off. I think cross play is a great thing. I am convert to cross play. If you'd asked me maybe eighteen months ago I would have been dead set against cross play. I. I'm a massive believer that pros play it. needs to be all or nothing. But I will we'll get the rest of the panel of. Opinions and thoughts on cross play and then we'll move forward cross play. Yea Nay. How? Yes. basically I think it needs to cop on. Maybe, not so much FBI success zone of trying to balance near wipe almost. Like you sport show owners racing like fevers to stuff like that. Shouldn't even be thought it could just happen because there's no excuse. There's no excuse not have that you know. I'm ASS, and of course, the the other side as well of it doesn't matter if you're on P. C. playstation xbox. Pickup play your friends. I don't have to worry about where you bought the game enough to buy a multiple platforms multiple threads. where? Foucault is always a kiss. Well, a lot of people are going to pick it up on I've got to pick the game up with. About money well. So. Yeah. I'm I'm definitely for costly. Definitely. Accent Jason. Initial thoughts on cross play. I think it's a good thing. As knife just joined the kind of pay as you guys let quit master race. I was being pierce for a little bit experts in the previous. She is comments at PC. It's been annoying to for me to see actually what games are can play and complex deal with my old buddies back on the playstation. Enjoyable the time. An. My friends base is growing slowly on the pacy but. Simony. Friends on the playstation I. Think my bugbears is not enough games out there the across play now. So. Yeah I got something. Going forwards will become more of a more of thing. Yeah absolutely and finally Jay, your initial frozen cross play but. Yes. So I, am a multi-platform iron. I have xbox switch playstation P.. C. I. Gave on whatever I can get my hands on really. For me you cross play very important. Given the eight triple. So different gadget signed various different gamers. But also, for me, it's about the cross progression having one account on a game somebody like rocket league lasts introducing cross progression. 00:05:09 - 00:10:05 So I can have a great match on the xbox I commend booed upon the switching continue playing if I have to pop out or whatever and. Yet. There are pros and comes STU alluded to fest passan shooters. I tend to play things like rainbow, six siege on the PC because mouse and keyboard a way to play that game. If you go against people in Console Donate they, might. Struggle. They might not I'm terrible at it. there is a balance. Yes. Certainly some games there's no excuse surely surely in this day and age there's no excuse. Yeah I I think you're right there about the cross progression though is is a big key to the cross play. like you say you said about ruggedly in the rocky ID they're bringing in. The in the Rock Id. And then they bring him in the Korea, the cross progression. it should be if a game is cross play. An Jason's recently found this out with the across to the PC monster race and cooler GT. yeah. He he made progress should own the the PS four got the PC. Instead on PC and his progression after a few little. You know teething problems of in his accounts locked in an linked but then he's got the the course progression. Yeah so good but there is not one that will nominal was about normally with a with a cop points where seems to be if crude him on one platform they carry on to the other one all the rest of my career progression does. So it's a little bit. Little Bit Once you've gone. Why would you go back? Let's be honest. Is Very often make sure I swap device before like points. This is true. This is true yeah. I, I think like what you were saying there about racing games and things like that. Racing Games to me, I'm a big racing fan and I, think that all racing games, there's no reason not to have cross play on racing games. There's no advantage to. Running out higher frame rate. On a PC. A racing game I don't think there is I'm sure there are. Sports drivers that will say you know it's going to be two hundred and forty, four Hertz or Whatever the multiplies to six or? It's GonNa be that to. To be to be good but personally, I mean the easy way to solve our. Limit to sixty frames per second on online modes. which which is, the thing you know is a possibility as well Jay you alluded to quality and shooters and things like that. I can tell you from experience from going from. So gaming I thought it was pretty good on the controller. You know I, thought was pretty good. I could get some kills could get some wins this moving onto pc on sheets as. My controller skills now are terrible. And I found out even playing college on the PC going back to rainbow six siege on the controller. I was awful like I felt like, I it was the first time I'd how to control playing one of these games. And I always struggle was shoot deserted controller because of that I struggled so. I'm I'm still I play enough probably on on all the gadgets that I'm finding it. I. Think it depends on the game. Siege utilizes things like leaning. So. It's an extra button press things like that, which which don't complement appeared very well and I think a lot of. People talk about this stuff on forums on reddit united things like that. A lot of these people average Gamers I'm sure then all pro game is not terrible game as that probably fan the average game as. I'm not sure that skill level it makes a difference united. Someone who probably buys? A, Maloney ever play on the playstation soon, the playstation five. They will probably be terrible with a mouse and keyboard 'cause obsoleted for ten years or whatever with the path. So you know, there is a balance I think if you go. The world's greatest console player versus the world's Greatest PC player they'd still give them a run for their money Eric. Yeah I mean that that would be an interesting battle. Wouldn't it having a PC Gamer? GO UP AGAINST A. Console. Gema, in a one V one, you know the old old school. said the message one V, one me Bro. I mean, maybe show me does that'LL PC A. 00:10:07 - 00:15:03 Are Shot off. But. Yeah I mean. There's so many games out there that that would benefit from. Cross play. What's one game that you've played throughout everything? That you think cross play would benefit from. Now don't worry if the game is an out on console because of the Yo console knowledge of the game base is. Practically. non-existent. So if there was a game that you've played on the PC. The. You think cross play would benefit one. I will say this because I know people who've got us on Pierce had on pierce three ps four is actually fever fee I? One I have no friends to play with you because everybody has on council because. As we meet most people actually play it so. That is like it be cool. If one guys are playstation something, you could just cost play it. Fast food limits play. It. Now there's one thing over the years have gone I wished I could have cheap place somebody with fever. I know fevers a weird one to choose, but it's just. Stay. Here we're all friends there are no right or wrong answers. You know I I would agree with you. I, think fever is an let you said, any sports title FIFA. NBA has yet. based. Little. I know two people had it and they were playing with each other and I'm like I can't play with you. I'm not by the console just to play Mata. Extreme. Bit yes I mean I'm Jay probably would. Yes kind of thing I do. Yeah. Yeah golden Jay how about yourself one game that would really benefit from crossed by. So it's kind of all the rage at the moment. Full guys. Currently and playstation four. It was freon free on on PS yeah and ABC's on PC as well. I think that planning on things on switch and xbox and stuff like that. So I'd imagine you know this time next year for argument sake it will be on everything. I had I. Think Today. There's a mobile version coming out so Hobbies. So silent off. So I play on the playstation four because it again, it was free. Bino a few people that have on steam some not able to play with them at the moment but I think about game united. There's no scaling times of frame ray or aiming things like that. It's you know you play with the pad on P. C. Generally, it feels better the pad. Keyboard a mouse on pieces. I would even accept. The keyboard. So. Kinda game I can imagine you name on its cloud on switch just lounging about at the end of the day in bed or whatever just jumping on for a few matches. Again Cross progression would be key I because you have the battle pass tight mechanic. It would be. Incredible Cross play that game just suits it so soups no you know if that was cross play, they would have to release some platform specific outfits. Just. Imagine running up the hill on the crown level and you've got like a guy in a blue playstation suit or something like that. Hey running against the guy dressed up as a mouse or something like that. Yeah, you like Mary, hair of. His mastic chief, the sees cray tiles. Exactly Nice Costume. That Yes. I mean I would definitely grab hold of one of those people and just hold them back. I think I would full go potentially winning around just jeopardize somebody else on an opposite platform. He doesn't like the nice bit of friendly competition. So Jason moved on to you. One game that you think would benefit from cross play. about somebody lot wreck fast. I reckon. Safe me obviously I've access now DIRECTV fruit steam library Bob for domino mates on the playstation. So. That would be pretty awesome to play across. All Si- thinking longtime gaming how many times have you got on the game? A year after it's been out and you see the surface is starting to dry up, there's not enough people that you can go join in lobby with. 00:15:03 - 00:20:02 So surely cross play for the developers that still gives them a fan base. Something to keep working on, we've got so many hundreds of thousands of people plan all game still therefore, we're going to support for Lunga. Chilly that must be beneficial. Absolutely one hundred percent, there would be no reason look at Gte for example, I know that it's not cross play. But the amount of people that play that game online regularly. And that just gives Rockstar the impetus to continually develop the it's updates for it. They. Think is a very, very good shout saying about the helping the developers and the publishes whom ice milk they gains more your. Way. I mean obviously Rockstar Stein to milk. Gt Five. Online now with it becoming one of the. Big releases over the playstation five. Bizarrely. But that that's another game that would really read a benefit from cross play. Played in a long time but again, you this gray area of controllers. I. Think it's because I. Know Red for example, because if you have a controller whether it on, he ceded automatically does auto wing for you. You can turn it off for I. Guess You'd have to have something like that as well for still. Think. Gee Ta da you lock on anyway I think you you lock on to a head or toll a short when I. K. Thing, well I mean maybe it might. To. Be honest they might be navid used. Asking game. Played it on time but I thought you locked on anyway looks onto the chest and you of just move up slightly to get to. See Familiar with GTE been cross platform. I think my bugbear on that one would probably be how you govern Matz. Because obviously Pacey. Got Host where console can't mudder. You could line Yukon marked or nostrils to your day by. You could incorporate a server browser. Yes. Classic Silver Bowers will go Scott Gibbs member, the oldies of Backfield Ninety, four to just all sorts of Greece's over. That was cool. That was really rattle I was that's it but I mean I think if you're GonNa look at cross play. This is my my opinion. I think you you either have to have all or nothing when it comes across. I think it needs to become an industry standard. It doesn't have to cross play between PS Piss for xbox and PC and switch. If Post depending on game, it could just be console cross play. Like. Gti Hunt showdown has just brought cross play from xbox to PC I. Think it's that way xbox pc. Obviously haven't bought ps four him night because it's the the xbox kind of in structure on PC and xbox. But if if what you're saying about molds and stuff for a game, you could have console cross platform. Which obviously open up the amount of audience that would plan the game. And gears five is an example of this gives five came out in not same xbox infrastructure you can play that cross play with PC. Controlled Essy's mouse and keyboard debate, but you can toggle crossway on. If you're on console and you don't fancy playing against people PC. I think there's a toggle. So potentially last saw you need. An option. there. I don't WanNa play those people or do WanNa play with everyone or whatever. Again, it goes back to how many people are playing if. Millions, playing anyway, cross play isn't necessarily the you. Yeah. If you want to play with makes then then you can call was concluded Gt you can talk across play on. Enough. Simply and also the the good thing that you're saying about the keyboard and mouse and control the argument. Koichi, will tell you. What you are using. So if you own PC, it show you a picture of a PC I. If you're using keyboard a mouse if you're on a PC using a controller issue as a picture of the controller. So you can immediately see off the back in the lobby. WHO's using? What? Control method today using and things like that. So I think if you're if people are starting to get concerned about whether someone's on a keyboard, a mouse or control with it on xbox pc, it's just a series of Tokyo's isn't it? Better. 00:20:03 - 00:25:03 Yeah. I mean generally when are involved yeah. It sounds come out his soundboard comes right out. He's crossing. The lines also get in grade because on xbox aloft game support mouse, and keyboard now anyway. So whilst I'd imagine, it's of Mary very small percentage of people actually utilize it. An Games like wall framing fortnight and things as well. You can just use a mouse and keyboard and I'd imagine like say. Tie each Hunkin the play bass to being that because that's not really what what people think of consoles but you know you kind of move the console from being a casual kind of sitting on the couch. System, than needing a table of some description which yeah. I mean, it's okay if you if you like for me, I've got my playstation sout behind my monitor. So I'm already in that kind of area bar if you only have a console. You need that best base. Though I think core say the has the lap keyboard about set of every Sierra I think yeah, I think. Raise it do one? Basically like a big, the old school dinner tables, dinner trays. Slot one of those with the keyboard and luckily. But Square area amounts yet. Kind of fun. which if you'll sensitivity is really high but if you like someone who doesn't have this institute, he really hard you can end up falling off it. Or just doing this a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Basically that. School doing. The old style when used to roll it too far and see how far your. Stay on the side of the screen. Used up the wisit too much in the curse with bounce off the side of the screen. Wrong. Those are the days. See A lot of people watching this this this each digital twenty, twenty panel wanting appreciate. A lot of the humor because It's retro. And we will retro here. YEP VOCALLY MOUSE BOWS Morales. These. I. Mean Are I. Can Oregon is like if? If Iraq anarchy clean amounts with is close. To. Say. Maybe, that's a treat for gang to like number subscribers. To Youtube or something. But so so what we're talking about overseas cross play and and as was alluded to cross progression. So. With that cross cross-strait then j what some good examples that you know of wet cross progression could be utilized. So and I think we we've already mentioned rocket league is income for this The whole principle rookie league is you never Improve Your vehicle is soul aesthetic unlocks wheels little. bobbleheads different taboos come out in the by even the vehicle shape itself. So be ashamed to unlock. You can get like the Delorean you've you've. XBOX and if you want to jump on Switch, Oh, you've got that anymore. You've got some little. Eight seven Murk van, there's nothing wrong with the van delorean. McFadden has. Big Bonnet That's the thing that the whole premise of that game is the visuals of your car to solve Amish show of what you've unlocked or how good you are. To lose those trophies if you like. By jumping from platform to platform is a shame at the moment. So once not I mean they have announced did and yes, this summer. So he's doesn't it coincide in the game goes free to play. And Make sense actually that would make sense. Yeah. I. Think I think you're right there. It's like the next big stage of the game isn't that really yeah. It's it's the same argument before guys. I would be surprised if it's not out on everything like say this time next year. And it's the same principle. You you never upgrade your character you get skins and costumes and emotes and things like that and I think that will be the key. keeping those unlocks as you jump from platform to platform because your hero character. Didn't I read in the news somewhere that they were opening games Komo's something. Did I read that Dream The. Games. Come every year starts with what they call opening night live. 00:25:05 - 00:30:09 which is effectively a two hour showcase of things and I think season two full guys is not as it field. So season legal experts release date maybe. It's possible. Yeah. I mean the thing we full guys is an indie developer. So I don't think there's any contracts or anything floating around with exclusive itsy or anything like that. I think it's just the scale of the team at place you come see yeah you could see an I think it's the perfect switch game. Yeah. Do we think that then possibly with the? xbox version and switch version would also may it would also make sense then for them to announce any cross play that they have planned. I'd like to see them. Yeah. I think that would be it's the perfect game. Upset I think. Yes. I think most of the time to do it to say. These. Are Coming next year I don't know I'm have not be full cross play across all platforms I. think that's I think that would be a very strong message from the studio axis. It's all the rage of the movement. To lose that momentum. Yeah and I think that's the thing with that kind of game I think. You might see on a scale you see that the rising scanned the game just as it starts to tail off cross play and it just goes back up again like you said Jase. Just opens up the player base and allows the developers to actually have a bit more but bit more faith in there they gain. Yeah, I reckon Arkansas. Brian is surely these guys must be so proud of the game that they've produced that you don't want it to just disappear after a few months because another games now come out. So we're GONNA move onto that one this keep that one, the live less everyone play this keep the service populated days. Okay. Room Bundy see if that happened well, I think. So I would say I played Diablo older switch yesterday. Couldn't get a game because it was a pretty much empty. Diablo Diablo switch it was like nobody online. Game that you would love to see cross play come two thousand I've forgot told you out actually that would be lovely to be costly because he can play any pc get a nice setup when he traveled. Carry on your character. Yeah. I actually Lychee went away put it on couldn't find a silver. Nobody UM allows US disappointed. So, really because it's really hard some some of the is the play by seventy at least four in their. On you can you get one? So that would be nice to see as well to maybe they do that for the next day abloh. Maybe four. Falls, in the tax isn't it? Yeah. So they might think about that one but Yeah. Quite recently with a service been dead. She Uh. It sounded though when you see a game that you can quite clearly. Think would benefit from cross play being included in the game. You just looking at that game and you just seeing it die off. You just think to yourself. I mean, I am not developer icon. I wouldn't elude knowing but I can't imagine cross play is that difficult With the number of games has cross play. In the grand scheme of things compared to building the rest of the game you've got to imagine it's A simple. Simple and inverted commerce. I just wonder if there's a lot of politics. Twenties forms. Of It that is one hundred percent. The main reason why it's not an industry standard. xbox, don't want. So need to be on their service seventy, one xbox to this of PCC in going. We don't really care who comes on all servers. Just you know know that you're GONNA get wrecked. I'm. And I. See that in rocket leak because when I play on because I tend to play on. xbox and. You you can see WHO's on PC. PROBLEM AS? OPEC ICON. And then everything else says another platform effectively like. Symbol. It doesn't playstation logo or a switch Logan because I call. It just as sign it night Zia. WHO Exactly and I think that's their way of saying. We don't want you kind of know him what they're playing on just no, it's not an xbox or not sweet show. That's really really interesting. Especially for a company like PSYCHOSIS Who who don't really have any affiliation To the to the things. 00:30:09 - 00:35:00 So that's obviously a great example of the politics of of the different platforms coming out and saying you know look we're happy to have cross play. Just make that while other people are playing them. Yeah imagine if you saw on, you've you've mentioned college, you see being cross-play. I'd imagine if you saw MVP every match ELEC spock's box logo next Robbins soon need. would be like. This isn't looking very good for our copy of the game. Is it I wouldn't see that went on playing because I'm usually top of the leaderboard. It's lies but now. I was playing on playstation on. If I saw the LEO BLIZZARD ICON COMING OUT WITH THE MOUSE IB our be go. I'm going to get rex because just knowing how I wouldn't say it's an advantage but. Ross apiece of new. I, have found now that the mouse is such a much is a toll than an analog. Stick ever is found myself a lot sharper look and I do wonder now. All the people in playstation console when they see the blizzard sign come up now thinking Oh crikey. Only They probably do it first until they see psycho sparky next to it, and then is fine. But no you're right is is the the mouse is such a better tool in terms of aiming because it is I mean, once you get used to where your mouth is. You know how fall to move it to each corner of the screen. I've got I've got three screens in front of me and I'm literally got the mouse in the middle of the screen and I'm literally flicking it to the edge of the screen I'm not. In A. That's easy is straight lines whereas controller and show super efficient with the controller. Is a lot more difficult to find those corners. That von than if you plan cross play. yes and no because on console you have a sly time. Obviously some people. Whereas some people, don't realize that it's got also. And that does give you a slight advantage. In terms of your controller methods I think if you're on a PC and you're a really really good player I think you you'll nine times out of ten win a one gunfight with somebody. One, because this more frames. I run G online and I'm running at roughly around one hundred, hundred, ten frames per second. If I'm playing against the cone. So person I'm not even sure if they sixty frames per second, it might be an adapted frame rate around sixty. So I'm seeing them before not before they've come around the corner. But because of the way that the frame rate works I'm seeing them slightly earlier than they get to see me Grungy to Sunday milliseconds. You'll talking about just double the amount of frames so. You know there is an advantage. and. Then if you've got a monster monster rig where you'll get in two hundred and fifty frames per second and you're playing on a monster monitor that can display those those frames then you all get big. Increase in performance. So there is I think there is always an advantage on first person shoes when you're playing. Against the console person. Personally. I think only guys noting so of in agreement as well. But that doesn't mean that crawlspace shouldn't be included in those because at the end of the day. I'm a casual Gamer. Of said, I'm not a hardcore Gamer I just WanNa play my friends online. Whether that be cool. G. E battlefield siege. Whatever. I would love to be cross platform because I think he's one of the best shooters out there plug for ubisoft By do I think it's one of the best shooters out there is really good I love. And I miss playing on the console because I suck using controller now. So I haven't played in months and months and months by as a great game. And Not by Fat Cross play lovely. Lovely, absolutely. Beautiful. I I. Mean It. Is. Always difficult when it comes across play because everybody's got their own opinions and like I said the beginning I used to be dead against it I used to think now. If I WANNA play with people that are on a PC I should get a PC. grunted at the time, I had a PC and xbox one next and a playstation for the switch. So I was a bit naive to the fact that. Maybe. 00:35:00 - 00:40:00 There are people out there that only have one system. Exactly sure in. But it's also a fact that if everything was cross play. I wouldn't be considering buying a PS five on launch or an xbox series Xm launch. Because I'm I'm buying five because I won't to play with friends. That Larussa getting at PS five. If Cross play was the industry norm on I could buy the game on my PC. I would still be out to play with my friends on the PS five. I think that's the that's the key. Is. Gaming for the vast majority of people is a casual social. Exercise. And not having cross play. It it it. It means I have to choose. Not Me were me but obviously other people. You have to choose between different sets of friends to play along with. Beijing. Be like. Gaming Gaming, gaming his inclusive. As as we've seen in social media recently and everything and oversee everything going on with. covid nineteen and people being stuck at home people like myself probably let yourselves. US. Gaming as a way to socialize and to have that social interaction. Obsolete telling I don't think that's the key I think that's the key when it comes to cross platform is it's not. To the developers out there, this is directly to to the developers watching this. It's not about what platform your plan is not about how much you've spent on a console or pc or anything it's about playing with your friends socializing and having that human interaction that most people may not have if you. May Not have on a day-to-day basis, but open up the world to more people. And Gaming, we'll grow and develop into a much bigger thing than it already is. Entirely. That's really good. I mean. That's my. That's my thoughts I mean. Yeah. What do I a? Is A cow. From. Every game. Yeah I mean obviously, there are some games where it's not released on other platforms. Yeah. Yeah. Like command and conquer. Out Say settlers, things like that I think. You, women got playstation version of that. Probably, not there is you WANNA. Come on the Konkan by if the guy he said if the game was to come out on another platform, it wouldn't benefit from cross play because it wouldn't work. Yeah I. Think it should be it should become the industry staff industry standard. In terms of if a game is multi-platform. At launch. Cost, platform should be the norm. So it doesn't matter what you buy on because I've I've I've got three different copies of games. Because I've got three different laws of friends that were buying the game. I mean that's great for the developers because they get my money three times. Based, no great for my wallet. So. What what what do you buy G by license then the then neighbor G to be able to play on any device you just by the game. Cross platform just by the game. If you wanted to close, was it cross play progression? Should be it should come hand-in-hand. Really. Has. Another day. Yeah it has done. Cool GNC. Count. Hidden politics while you're. In the end of the day. They're all elements of cross playing cross progression the. Do legal questions. On necessarily a straightforward as we make it sound to be. But, this is this is an aim we coming into the next generation of. Consoles and Not, just consoles but the next generation of PC hardware as well. You know with the nvidia chipsets being released. So we all moving into a next generation across the board. To a certain degree. So. WHY NOT START THAT NEXT GENERATION OFF As as it means to go with allowing everybody to play against whoever they want to, and like was mentioned before you can switch off. If you want to stay on your own system, just switch off. That's more than fair cross-play. Good. Absolutely closing thoughts there with by by J. 00:40:01 - 00:41:01 Guys thank you so much for joining us. We're coming up to around forty minutes of this Egypt's twenty twenty digital panel, and we just want to say thank you for joining us if you've enjoyed what we've been talking about. Stay tuned to the rest of the digital showcase is currently running on because I'm sure there are some grey topics to be out there get involved in into its and the subject. Everyone's always around on twitter you can see our tax allow us. Feel. Free if you any closing thoughts to to drop us a message of see Jason hasn't got his. To handle the bomb. But. Send me a message I'll passer. I think all that's left to say is as J. put it. So succinctly, Cross play. Good. Good. Good. So guys thanks for joining me today and Hopefully we'll see you all soon around the Internet take. As