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New PSX Aesthetic Horror Game: Crow Country

The image has words in white splattered with blood stains, saying Crow Country. In the background is a wire fence with notices across it. In front of that on the left is a bin that’s stylised like a crow. Next to that is a ticket booth with a crow’s face on the front, and a crow sitting atop it. In front of the ticket booth is a woman with a white dress and purple hair. Behind her is a red barrel and a chained-off large crow mascot.

Developers at SBF Games behind Tangle Tower and Snipperclips – Cut it out, together! Bring a new and nostalgic survival horror with the aesthetic of PSX titles: Crow Country, coming to PlayStation and Steam.

One Heck Of a Rollercoaster

Taking place in 1990, Edward Crow, the reclusive owner of a small theme park in the rural outskirts of Atlantic Georgia, vanished two years ago and unexpectedly shut it down. A mysterious woman named Mara Forest takes matters into her own hands and ventures into the theme park Crow Country to uncover what happened.

Is handgun ammo okay?

Crow Country

Crow Country is a survival horror where, like traditional survival horrors such as Redient Evil, you hunt for ammo, clues, maps and items needed to solve tricky puzzles to get closer to the terrifying truth. Why did Edward Crow shut down his park? And who is Mara Forest, our mysterious protagonist?

Feeling fine… For now

The host of curious and memorable characters and a rich atmosphere will immerse players with an equal sense of tranquillity and tension. For players who may want the experience of this creepy and immersive rollercoaster of gloom and mystery without worry of being attacked, the player can opt for the ‘Exploration Mode’ feature.

Beautifully designed

When does it launch?

The game will launch on Steam and PlayStation in 2024. Players will be delighted that Crow Country has a demo available today on Steam and PlayStation 5. The team at Thumb Culture are excited to dive into the haunting world of ‘Crow Country’. What do you think? Let us know if you’re excited about this wonderfully spooky indie game and your experience with the demo.


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