Day: 21 May 2021

Poker Club Playstation 4 Review
PlayStation Reviews

Poker Club Playstation 4 Review

Once upon a time, I considered myself to have the best poker face in all the land.  I was that confident in my playing that when I was a bit short on cash for the month, I would organise a game with an ex-girlfriend's family.  I did this knowing full-well they just weren't very good at the game and we would fleece them every time.  Also, playing poker until 4am after hours in the pub I used to run, these were good times, but they were a very long time ago.  The less said about that poker club, the better! The only time I have played poker since has been in the form of mini-games in games such as Yakuza and Red Dead Redemption. So it's fair to say that my experience since has been a bit lacking, that's why I was keen to see what Poker Club had to offer. Poker Club - Is It A Flop Or A Ro...