Day: 1 June 2020

Climbros Review – Why Climb The Switch? Because It Is There

Climbros Review – Why Climb The Switch? Because It Is There

It can't be an easy life for my hands. When I'm not giving them blisters from overly long gaming sessions, I'm destroying them at the climbing gym. Thanks to lockdown, I've not been able to hit the walls for a while now. So you can understand my delight when I saw Climbros coming soon to the eShop . An arcade climbing game that will let me run riot on routes in a way I can't in real life? Harness me up! Well, the time is now. Climbros launches on Switch today. Read on to find out if it's worth your time to tie in and crush this route. Gameplay First things first, this isn't a true climbing experience. If you don't know an ATC from a GriGri, or a crimp from a pinch, then don't fear. Climbros will prepare you for climbing as much as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater will prepare you for doing ...