Day: 23 January 2019

Rain World: An intensifying survival platformer experience!
Gaming, PC Reviews, Switch Reviews

Rain World: An intensifying survival platformer experience!

Rain World is a gorgeous and well-developed fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic world. You are the endearing part-slug and part-cat hero of the story. You’ve just fallen to the depths after attempting to escape the flood with your friends and family. Now you need to defy the odds and find a way back to your family. Developed by Vigeocult. It is an intense platformer, that’s available on Steam, Playstation and Nintendo Switch. It seems like a beautiful addition to the Nintendo Switch library of games and will keep you well entertained on the go. Gameplay You’ll need to decide if you want to play the role of Monk, Survivor or Hunter (although this isn’t available from the beginning). Each role acts as a different level of difficulty, so starting out as a Monk is a good place to beg...